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  1. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Tiger Bloom?

    If the sources I have been reading are correct, Molasses gives carbs, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and many other macro nutrients as long as you use a good unsulphured blackstrap molasses. If I'm not mistaken, plants also do take carbs from the soil during flower so it is a great addition...
  2. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    First time grow

    A true Canuck from the West Coast! Welcome friend to RIU, those are looking phenomenal for a first grow!
  3. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Status Update

    No need for that, just making sure they get only 12 hours of light each day, and be careful not to have any light leaks.
  4. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    New in town, just found this place

    Welcome! Sending good vibes your way! Happy growing!
  5. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Buying weed?

    Never ceases to amaze me that these posts make it to a cultivation forum but I really shouldn't be surprised anymore..
  6. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Status Update

    Don't feel hard on yourself man, we all start somewhere. You are learning which is important. Just note what worked and what didn't for next grow and keep on learning and your next will be much smoother. If she is flowering you will want to lower your N and up your P and K, and try to give as...
  7. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Status Update

    That does certainly appear to be in flower already. What is your light schedule?
  8. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    help lost count of flowering stage

    Plants are different, just let the plant tell you when it's done, tracking weeks in flower often leads to chopping early.
  9. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Veg Stage Booster

    Light is a big one, as is patience, veg is not as exciting as flower but it's just as important, just give her plenty of light, don't over water and let the plant grow!
  10. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Should I start over? very slow growth (day 9) [AUTO]

    You won't ever learn if you keep starting over. If it isn't dead keep growing, may not get a huge plant but you will get a grow under your belt and that knowledge will grow a bigger plant next time.
  11. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    2 strains 1 tent.

    The way the original post was written I thought he literally was being babysat up until I read the part about having kids every other week so I got a chuckle.. haha
  12. GreatWhiteNorthGrows


    Thankfully it isn't your main stem, should bounce back fine!
  13. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Help me please

    I am speaking from current experience and really wish I wasn't, but that "leaf twist" or spiraling at the tip is a dead sign for me but still need more info.
  14. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Help me please

    How wet is your medium and how often are you watering? Can't give an accurate opinion without more details but looks a bit over watered to me.
  15. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Day 1 first feminized grow is this setup okay

    Ahh southern hemisphere, haha, we are moving into autumn shortly here in the northern hemisphere so I will be in your shoes soon haha.
  16. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Is this a male?

    Did someone say Balls? Because that plant has tons. Sorry for you loss :(
  17. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Plants going bad 1 day after watering

    I have watched him as I am a sucker for fellow Canadians, but I really question trying to build super soil and focus on organic grows using coco, which is completely inert and has no microbial life or food to support it... but hey, he does his thing, I do mine!
  18. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Day 1 first feminized grow is this setup okay

    Your Environment is not bad for flower but you need to raise both the RH and Temps up a bit for veg. Temps of 80 F (about 26 -27 C) to 85 F (about 29 C) would be the range you want with RH 60-low 70s as SBBCal had suggested. Other than that you should be okay for a single plant grow. What will...
  19. GreatWhiteNorthGrows

    Dongkey donks

    First company that came to mind, that was why I made sure to emphasize it was an example, I realize they are far from top-end but in all honesty I haven't looked at many lights at the top of the line mainly because they are so beyond my budget right now. Point was, if you buy a cheap light on...