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  1. PeteSwitch

    Cheap Ph & EC Tester ??

    Oh I've been to that shop a few times in my history kind sir. I must say the tax break & great discounts gets me driving into PDX every time though. I do care a great deal to stop into the minute mart that is kiddy corner to that said hydro shop because they always have some rare beers on their...
  2. PeteSwitch

    Cheap Ph & EC Tester ??

    Have to say that I have been doing hydro for a little while now & my tri-meter Hanna that set me back like $200+ was the best investment I could have made. On a limited budget it's pretty hard but you CAN find PPM & PH meters on e-bay for around the budget you are shopping with. If you're...
  3. PeteSwitch

    I planted my seed and the root came up, made a little arch shape and is going back in

    Actually, I was completely serious in my response. I made an ignorant response & appreciated being caught on it. :)
  4. PeteSwitch

    which breed next

    +rep man, those are some very nice & green looking plants. Keep the photos coming along, I want to see how big you can get them to be. :)
  5. PeteSwitch

    which breed next

    I just got my hands on 10 seeds of Aurora Indica myself. Please post your progress & outcome on that strain so I can compare it to what I harvest down the road. :D
  6. PeteSwitch

    I planted my seed and the root came up, made a little arch shape and is going back in

    Dude you're absolutely right, what was I thinking? *bows down* :)
  7. PeteSwitch

    12/12 from seed question

    According to "The Cannabis Grow Bible", plants started on 12/12 will show their sex at around the same time as plants that are put into vegetative state. You are also going to stunt & stress the plants which could cause unwanted hermaphrodite conditions. Why not read up on how to enduce more...
  8. PeteSwitch

    I planted my seed and the root came up, made a little arch shape and is going back in

    Nope, the seed was probably put in upside down so you should see the head of the seedling pop itself out within a day or 2. Don't panic just yet & keep the watchful eye trained on your soil. I'll bet you 2 to 1 that the seedling pops up. :D
  9. PeteSwitch

    Sannies versus Attitude

    I just received my order from the Tude today complete with my cracked coffee mug. I was kinda stoked for the mug and the handle was completely obliterated while the rest of the mug was intact. The Brains Damage was dated 2009 and Aurora Indica was dated 2008. I also got a free Feminized...
  10. PeteSwitch

    Sannies versus Attitude

    I agree with your outlook on this. I also believe the delays could possibly stem from different shipping methods. Sannie's ships through regular postal mail with no tracking whereas Attitude burries the seeds inside of an item such as a t-shirt, creates a bigger mail parcel, and sets up a means...
  11. PeteSwitch

    Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!

    I had originally started out with 2 x 600w lights with 1mh & 1hps to grow bonsai plants indoors. The guy at the grow shop just sold me the lights & never voiced how strange that may have seemed at the time. Now I'm growing for a buddy of mine & nothing ever seems to go 100% as planned BUT it's...
  12. PeteSwitch

    Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!

    Ever notice that even though you map out & construct a full fledged plan, you always end up finding new and improved stuff to purchase? This is the never ending hobby & I almost think I'd spend less money on crack or something sometimes. :D But in the end your hard work pays itself back with...
  13. PeteSwitch

    Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!

    Not necessarily, it depends on what genetics you are working with. I have 2 plants right now (1 you saw, the other you did not) and after about 3+weeks, 1 is looking healthy as all get out while the other is finicky as FUCK! Just because your plants are taking a little while to come around...
  14. PeteSwitch

    Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!

    Keep it up, you're doing awesome!!! Those look like some pretty AWESOME seedlings, congrats!!!!
  15. PeteSwitch

    Grow room lighting

    Well, if you find the right strain for a SOG you can sometimes get away with 1 plant per square feet so 5x6 = 30 sq ft = up to 30 plants. That's IF you get the correct plant to do it with but for me I'd probably go half of that & try to squeeze 15 in there. 2 light sources instead of 1 is going...
  16. PeteSwitch

    I'm a noob

    Seed suggestions from me will be Sannie's Shop. I just got my 1st order from them and it took 10 days from ordering to delivery in the PAC NW. As far as seed or vegging a Mom plant, go with the veg every single time but remember that most successful growers can use up to 100 or even 1000 plants...
  17. PeteSwitch

    Grow room lighting

    60 watts per sq foot is what you are looking for ideally but if not then fall back on half that ratio will be 900 watts so what you are proposing is 20 watts per sq foot with 1 HPS 600w bulb. My suggestion would be to try and splurge for 2 HPS that are 400w if you can but if NOT, buy the 600w...
  18. PeteSwitch

    Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!

    PH imbalance thanks to the good ole public water here in town. Now that I'm dialed in with RO water the plants are taking the F off! Thanks for the kind words & I have to say your 1st grow is progressing VERY NICELY! :)
  19. PeteSwitch

    Just Got My Seeds! Ready to Rock! White Widows, First Grow, 4 Months in Waiting!

    Here's mine at 3 weeks & 2 days. I don't have a plant hitting the roof YET but it is coming along. :grin: