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  1. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    After talking to wife she agreed one on one maybe hard to get and that a QB kit modified would be better to start with ..she brought up the point hands on for doing one from scratch buying everything piece by piece would be very detailed and alotta work putting together...she reminded me even...
  2. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    Efficient would be nice as for lights I have 1=1000hps 1 600 hps 1 600 mh 1 400 mh 1 451 watt led /cob. 1 215. Watt cob set up so anything has to be more efficient than that ....i mean I'll be honest I leave my outside light on 24/7. My tv is on all night I have a 18 year old that leaves every...
  3. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    Oh budget I really don't know what my budget is I don't even know what a decent light would cost to build
  4. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    I totally understand alotta people don't have time to do one on one but outta this many members I figured I have a good chance at finding one ..winter gets cold it's ny last night was -9 but I keep my room between 75-79 I would like full cycle and my room is vented
  5. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    That's what I thought build one for a 5x5 and see how I like it if I do I'll copy it
  6. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    I think what I wanna do is a pcb board not really sure what it's called I'm still researching
  7. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    I really want someone that has made there own custom set up not a bought kit . someone that can u need this many cobs and this many diolds and this is the power supply and these are the serial numbers to order I want a custom board from scratch eventually built by me not one everyone else has...
  8. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    I agree 100% with you I had plans on asking questions in the group but I would still like 2-3 people I can constantly ask questions to for clarification in my inbox. I will have a ton of questions and I just think if I can throw them at a few people it would be better than trying to process...
  9. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    You bet I will just give me a day or 2 to do some research on them and I'll have some questions
  10. bulla

    anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB

    I pretty much have grown with nothing but mh/hps I've grown since ''87'' so alotta shit I do is still old school I don't need anyone to show me how to grow I need someone to teach me the QB shit the new ins and outs on these lights ..I will do my research on them send me some links... I'll...
  11. bulla

    Best way to setup room with plaster walls?

    plaster ? never tried it I would go buy some osb sheets from loews /home depot same stuff they sheet roofs with frame out my walls with 2x3s or 2x4s and wrap the inside with white plastic and call it a day
  12. bulla

    Any tips for my setup/ growth project?

    once seeds pop soil I consider that veg time so in 8-10 weeks see what your plants look like your worried about a small yield well if everything is to big from veg the light isn't gonna penetrate and you will have a small yield LST your plants also , and 5 grams a day till your 50 lmao i'm 50...
  13. bulla

    Any tips for my setup/ growth project?

    xtsho I agree 100% over the last month I jumped back into groups and all I see is RO water and i start searching how i can make it and then i start thinking and its like wtf for 30 years i have used tap water , stream water when outside and that was run off from farmers fields and i've never had...
  14. bulla

    Is this a deficiency

    I think that's the start of nute burn maybe
  15. bulla


    yea I always pull air thru my scrubber
  16. bulla

    Any tips for my setup/ growth project?

    i just did math thats 5 months of veg at 20 weeks i must have read your post wrong cause i could fill a room that size with cfl's vegging in 5 months and have no room to flower
  17. bulla

    Any tips for my setup/ growth project?

    you said 5 NL plants right ? so you wanna veg for 10-20 weeks ? 20 weeks is a long long time to veg I would say veg 8 weeks maybe 10 depends on how they look you don't have a lot of space once you flip lights they will almost double in size so you wanna watch how long you veg for
  18. bulla


    put a bucket of water in the tent that will raise humidity
  19. bulla

    Got me worried...

    that plant is 4.5 weeks old ? yikes I bet u shocked it good with those 2 transplants i'd leave it don't water for a week and see what it looks like ...I use solo cups for seeds my room is 75-79 degrees with fans blowing I water once a week . you gotta learn to feel the weight of your pots for...