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  1. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Because is the only thing different between this and last grow and all my plants from this grow with bugs look terrible. My last grow was about as good as an auto can grow in a 3 gallon bucket.
  2. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Yes! That's the website. We'll in any case I didn't figure it was wrong because I got amazing results for my first and second coco grow. Going to try killing aphids with captain jacks bug dead spinosad
  3. B

    Coco and overwatering

    I'll dig through my favorites to find the articles but I was reading about frequent fertigation and the bemifits of it. It all made perfect sense that you eater tell runoff in airy coco and it never gets too saturated to drown the plant. I had HUGE success with it my first run through feeding 3...
  4. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Alright thanks for the tip... yea I have not increased ec yet because until two days ago I thought this was a nute issue then I figured it was overwatering bit now I have finally like 90 percent positive its due to a nasty infestation of root aphids... Started digging through top layer of coco...
  5. B

    I have root aphids!!

    Like a week and some change... first set of leaves are turning yellow... my bigger girls are stunted in growth as well
  6. B

    I have root aphids!!

    So gnatrol looks awesome but I can only find it on ebay... spinosad is coming tmrw...should I use spinosad for immediate infestation since thier killing my seedling and then use bti? Or will spinosad kill my seedlings? Gonna go to garden store to see if they have any gnatrol
  7. B

    I have root aphids!!

    What about crowing in coco? I don't think a bacteria will stay alive in coco will it? If it will can you provide a brand or product? Thanks these things are killing my seedlings so I'm kinda panicking
  8. B

    I have root aphids!!

    What would take care of it? The gnatrol or the captian jacks?
  9. B

    I have root aphids!!

    I tried but they are legit way too small for my camers... they are tiny little white guys with what appears to be wings and can jump around pretty nice. I circled the non flying ones with red
  10. B

    I have root aphids!!

    Thought I had an overwatering issue but after digging through top layer of soil I see tons of white tiny bugs. I've been catching tiny little bugs in glue traps but this infestation got away from me as it was really beneath the surface. Plants are yellow and wilting from them. I ordered captain...
  11. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Sorry guys was at work and this thread exploded. Thanks for the feedback. I have a recently calibrated ph pen and I am watering at 5.8-6.0 and my ec I for the babies was 550 or .5 and for the big girls they are at same ph but ec is 900 or .9 The main reason I think this is not nute burn is the...
  12. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Think they will recover? That's the main thing I'm worried about....lessons learned.
  13. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Ok so I am growing in coco for my second grow. For the first coco grow I followed a technique of frequent fertigation watering three times a day. This worked very well but it was started with larger plants so I think they were able to breathe better. This grow I was doing the same thing and...
  14. B

    To harvest or not

    How much longer? The trichomes are almost all milky with like 10 percent going amber... am I just waiting for the plant pistils to start turning amber?
  15. B

    To harvest or not

    Oh crap my last post I said 24 weeks!!! Typo I meant 14 but actual calculation was 91 days
  16. B

    To harvest or not

    For reference my last Alaskan Purple auto went 13 weeks (91 days) and this is what she looked like before I chopped her down. Currently this grow is at day... funny enough 13 weeks (91 days)... just did the calculations...
  17. B

    To harvest or not

    Like what? I haven't seen any real issues and there was no issues throughout the grow...
  18. B

    To harvest or not

    Clearest pic I could get...
  19. B

    To harvest or not

    Kind if hard to judge my bud density as last grow this strain grew really airy buds and this go round its doing the same.
  20. B

    To harvest or not

    Excuse the darkness lights are off for my photo period in the tent. The one in question is Alaskan Purple Auto by seedsman. She has been growing for 24 weeks so she is def at the right amount of time.