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  1. B

    To harvest or not

    Simple issue... my baby's trichomes are mostly white and milky with about 10 - 15% starting to go amber... good time to chop her down right? The only thing stopping me is she is still making buds and has fresh calyxes with fresh pistils still being created. Should I cut it now or wait until...
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    Thanks for the replies... figured as much going to chuck it
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    I might be posting in the wrong thread here but here goes. I have a 5x5 grow tent and in the beginning I had some humidity problems. Got it all worked out but when I went to clip three of my plants there was mold in the buds of all three. The mold in 2 out of the three was very minimal and I...
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    Got some strange lightning issues

    Wow really appreciate all yalls support and praises... good things to hear as this is first pure coco grow and first time with autos... yes I wanted to experiment with the 24 hours on and it seemed to work really well
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    Got some strange lightning issues

    That's the thing... there is no switch I keep them in 24/7. I do this because figured why not if autos don't need the 12 12 to flower and I also have a photo plant next to them that is still in veg so can't switch to 12 12 even if I wanted to. This is something I was thinking about tho. Does...
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    Got some strange lightning issues

    Ok so I have 2 spider 200w leds at 100 percent power in my 5x5 tent. I have a Flux meter that is reading around 600 x100. I have taken the same reading outside and sun produces around the same. What's strange is I have been reading your plants can essentially get as much light as you can give...
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    Northern lights brown spots

    These are seedsman seeds and forgot to mention I'm growing 100 percent coco that has been buffered. Doubt I got root rot on both plants that are the same strain... it just seems like the symptoms match exactly and there both same strain. Got 4 other strains and none of those show any of those...
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    Northern lights brown spots

    These are seedsman seeds and forgot to mention I'm growing 100 percent coco that has been buffered. Doubt I got root rot on both plants that are the same strain... it just seems like the symptoms match exactly and there both same strain. Got 4 other strains and none of those show any of those...
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    Northern lights brown spots

    I have an issue where only on the NL strain am I seeing brown spots on leaves. This to me looked like a calcium deficiency so I upped the cal/mag in her grow solution. Current grow solution is mega crop a and b. I am feeding the larger girl around 1.4 ec and the small girl .85 ec. Ph is...
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    Trouble with diagnosis... Calcium deficiency?

    Ok I was keeping it at 6.1ish so I wouldn't lock out calcium... dropping to 5.8 won't start locking it out? Thanks I'll do research on posphorous def
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    Trouble with diagnosis... Calcium deficiency?

    Disease? Like what and how would it get a disease? I baby the fuck out of these and there are no bugs...
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    Trouble with diagnosis... Calcium deficiency?

    If your talking the smaller one in the upright corner there a month old and there still only getting .6 - .7 ec nute solution/tap water mix. Ph is 6.0 - 6.2. Im about to bump her up to .8 - .9 soon as there getting big. Any suggestions on the big NL auto in the middle with the browning leaves?
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    Trouble with diagnosis... Calcium deficiency?

    I noticed a week or so ago that my Northern Lights auto has some browning spots on her. I had some initial light burn as my leds were a bit too close to her. Backed them up a bit but still noticed some browning on newer growth. After doing some research it looks like calcium deficiency but I...
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    Curling claw leaves.

    The more and more I read i think this may be advanced nute burn
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    Curling claw leaves.

    Yea I think you may be right ima back off on EC for a while... gets up to 1.2 due to tap water starting out at almost .5. I use 3.5 grams of part a per gallon and 5 grams part b per gallon. Part b is the nitrate
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    Curling claw leaves.

    Yea ill try and lower EC a bit... she's the only photo period I got going rn so ill have time to correct her. She is only 2 1/2 weeks old. Really surprised how fast she is growing... thanks for the rply
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    Curling claw leaves.

    Thanks for this... funny I was actually reading this same article before posting. I thought it didn't fit right as my leaves aren't super dark green and not in the flower stage.
  18. B

    Curling claw leaves.

    Yea I agree thanks I already knew I was running high EC but I figured I'd try anyway as 1.2 is as low as I can get me EC using tap water after all nutes are put in. Guess for her ill cut nutes down a bit to get around .8 EC. I didnt cut down on nutes before because I was feeding her 1.2 and...
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    Curling claw leaves.

    I give her Jacks Orchid Special 30-10-10 which has urea based nitrogen so I switched to megacrop and b which has a really good amount of nitrogen. It actually looked like tips were burnt after first application so I backed off a bit. The coco has been buffered in a cal mag solution and I was...
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    Curling claw leaves.

    When you say num 1 do you mean nitrogen issues? I'm not having too much yellowing its more the leaves curl thats concerning me. I camt find any documentation on nitrogen deficiency causing curling leaves. Thanks