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  1. TheSnake

    To Young ?? To be Toking ?

    To me, high school age is normal, a 3rd grader is what like 8 or 9 years old? FUCK THAT, way to young, there minds need to be drug free till the teens in my opinion, especially these fucks putting children on amphetamines for add. Not till high school. They should not even know what drugs even...
  2. TheSnake

    duct fan confusion?

    Or you can be ghetto like me, and just snip the fucking shit a few rivets in, with some tin snips, flare it out, and secure gaps with high strength duct tape. Same deal.
  3. TheSnake

    Drying in the Dark?

    I've hung mine to dry in my flower room while light's are still on 12/12 with other plants around the bend. It's hot and dry in there, which dries them rather quickly, quicker than i would like, and there is indirect light, but i only use this area due to my carbon filter being in there. I could...
  4. TheSnake

    newbie lighting help

    For your first grow, (the cheap way, I would say use a bunch of cfl's mixed 2700k and 6500k, so you can both veg and flower with the same fixture) The more expensive, but much more productive way, is diving right into HID's. I would suggest a 400w, 600w, or 1000w. Anything smaller is not worth...
  5. TheSnake

    I think its time to go hydro. (one year soil exp) Nutes?

    or was that some kind of reference to ppm? I still have to buy a PPM meter btw, lol. A full year of growing in soil, no ppm meter, I must be one lazy fuck ass.
  6. TheSnake

    I think its time to go hydro. (one year soil exp) Nutes?

    .6 as in 6/10 th's recommended dose of nutes?
  7. TheSnake

    I think its time to go hydro. (one year soil exp) Nutes?

    Thinking about Re-vamping my shit, better insulation/drywall, stronger Air conditioner to combat the retarded ass heat, Think florida/texas = RETARDED. Not to mention dropping the soil and going to bubble buckets or some other type of hydroponic / airoponic system. I know I need to drop my temps...
  8. TheSnake

    New crop report (one year of growing)

    Just running same clones, and gear? Or are you changing things up to constantly get more, or is the strain actually improving with generations?
  9. TheSnake

    New crop report (one year of growing)

    All my pics are scattered on multiple computers and discs, I'll try to dig up the past pics. Only problem is I don't have any pics of full crops jarred. I mean I can take pics of this one jarred, but over an oz is already MIA, and the shit is not even cured yet. Over dried a bit, trying to...
  10. TheSnake

    New crop report (one year of growing)

    Well guys and gals, I am pleased to say its an improvement. First cfl grow (maybe a half oz to an ouce) very shitty. First full through but pollinated by hermie grow was like 4.5 oz on 1k watt hps. A premature chop due to some RF interference, nada. on 1k watt hps. First decently grown bag...
  11. TheSnake

    Washington's New Laws

    Perfect place to sell dope underground.
  12. TheSnake

    3000 watt grow room build to harvest

    I am also "very fucking interested" in this info.
  13. TheSnake

    Found easy method of making cannabis tea with coffee maker... video

    Well I found this video, and Plan on trying this method after work with some trim tonight, what do you guys think?
  14. TheSnake

    2000 watts on a 15 amp breaker

    Just by a double 20 and some 12/3 chord, you'll have more than needed.
  15. TheSnake

    Good job Arizona

    < ------ Does not give a fuck, it's not like any of you will know me in real life anyways, why should i care about a text-identity that might as well be a fucking computer AI... Shit...
  16. TheSnake

    Good job Arizona

    Regardless of your fucking skin, or god damn sexual orientation you should be able to do what everyone the fuck else is. I'm so sick of this bullshit, seriously, any fucking anti-gay is either a religious fucktard perverted by words written by other dead fucktards, or is a homophobic due to...
  17. TheSnake

    Buzz Over Legalizing Recreational Marijuana at National Governors Meeting

    Yeah fuck 29% ... I'll grow and carry on as i damn well please.
  18. TheSnake

    Another Illegal Compassion Club posing as a Dispensary shut down

    Legal or not, if the gov see's your making loads of money, and there is any way you could be holding out on taxes, they will fuck your ass so hard, no lube, with a gigantic horse cock. When a business is half-legal-ish, especially. If its not full blown legal, or even if it is (like alcohol)...
  19. TheSnake

    Question about sifting for keif. (pillow case substitute?)

    Best thing about the piece of shit i just made, is it's dual purpose. I can make QWISO in that shit too, after the keif sift, Ill just pour ISO in through the straining top, cover the top with something to keep the liquid in, shake, then tape a coffee filter on the outside and dump into a random...