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  1. TheSnake

    Why do dealers use ghetto non-zip sandwich bags?

    I was inquiring because when im dry, I know about a dozen retards flipping weed so they smoke for free, and they all package like shit... I'm sorry but presentation is kind of important, when it comes to almost anything in life. When you get something you enjoy, that's affordable, available, and...
  2. TheSnake

    Why do dealers use ghetto non-zip sandwich bags?

    The second i see this, it tells me your an amateur. Personally I use size appropriate bags, and it seems to actually save money? I have sizes for dimes, dubs, eighths, ect ect all the way up to a QP (standard gallon ziplock seems to fit a qp perfect without smashing, maybe a half if you smash it...
  3. TheSnake

    Help Hermie? Pics, already chopped because I was pretty sure.

    Was amazed after clipping it all up, hanging up to dry and putting trim in freezer, me and step son only found like 3 baby seeds. between the two plants about 3-4 foot tall bushes, I figured it would be worse than that.
  4. TheSnake

    Help Hermie? Pics, already chopped because I was pretty sure.

    Man I'm tired of this crap, I need to order some "real" seeds. Anyone know a decent online store that does not get seized all the time shipping to US? Florida btw... Got a guy at work offering to have his cali guys ship me some clones, seeds or whatever I want, But then I'll feel like i Owe...
  5. TheSnake

    Help Hermie? Pics, already chopped because I was pretty sure.

    Yeah, it could be late in flowering, maybe 7 weeks or so? I didn't know the strain, so i pegged it at 12 wks to play safe, but everything is looking pretty much done right now, I mean some of these buds I got are like 80 percent amber (hair wise) so these must be pretty rich indica since there...
  6. TheSnake

    Help Hermie? Pics, already chopped because I was pretty sure.

    Plus the clones from these two, all died... Although now im sure that was for the best lol.
  7. TheSnake

    Help Hermie? Pics, already chopped because I was pretty sure.

    Had it happen before, bag seed and both of these plants were from same guys seeds. the other 3 have no banana-ish showing, week 7 of flower for these ladies. Pretty sure they haven't contaminated the other three, no signs of seed production, and the flowers are extra frosty, way more so than...
  8. TheSnake

    Newbie question, first grow.

    If i had to guess, the plant is very happy with the amount of light, and is only growing slower because its not having to stretch much for light. So it will grow more bushy, and less tall.
  9. TheSnake

    Narcotics task force finds 424 marijuana plants at Ecorse home From The Detroit News

    Tipster... I hope you got paid, Cause guess who just shot to the top of two dudes HATE list? I never understood the act of informing, the worse of the worse, besides crooked cops. No honor having mother fuckers.
  10. TheSnake

    Narcotics task force finds 424 marijuana plants at Ecorse home From The Detroit News

    What a crock of shit... I hope the tipster gets silenced. You know someone is into something, you mind your fucking business unless its directly concerning you. Which no damn grow ops is a concern for anyone, its not a god damn meth lab. Jesus.
  11. TheSnake

    Reminder to newbies, pest control.

    Just got done spraying my ladies with NPK industries Mighty Wash again, (no mites and only 1 month from harvest est.) Bought the stuff to kill a prior existing spider mite infestation while growing indoors. Maintenance is easier than fixing, if your cars and motorcycles have taught you nothing...
  12. TheSnake

    Why store water for survivalists?

    Why the hell are you not storing bleach instead? If your going to carry water, why not just carry bleach and be able to purify any water you find laying around with a capfull, instead of having gallons and gallons of heavy ass water?
  13. TheSnake

    CBO Report: Minimum Wage Hike Could Cost 500,000 Jobs

    Well if the system collapses, I just hope its in spring, so I can simply tend to my ladies outdoors, and trade for essentials. Fuck it.
  14. TheSnake

    Every revolution begins with someone taking a stand.

    I do my part by making a stand by simply doing what i do, in the state i do it in, and encourage others to do so. They can't arrest us all... I actually thought about a straight up defiant way of going about it, by giving away clones in spring to everyone that wanted them, to plant outside, in...
  15. TheSnake

    NetFliix Scam

    Why not just download torrents of what you want to watch? Netflix is over rated, a dollar short, and a season late.
  16. TheSnake

    New grower

    plastic tubs are also great cheap alternative to pots, and the three gal buckets at dollar store.
  17. TheSnake

    High in CBD

    that avitar... wow
  18. TheSnake

    cutting clones off my plants to reduce size

    When my shit gets too big, I chop it to size. use for clones or just dispose. they will continue to grow after a short stunned period.
  19. TheSnake


    Does the trick if you need to stay awake and alert. Kinda makes my mind skip all over the place or hyperfocus on ONE activity. I prefer dextroamphetamine.
  20. TheSnake

    freestyle thread

    You're rhymes are so abominable, the plot i got is so diabolical, it stands hair on edge by the follicle. like a toothless slut suckin dick for the ice, just remember your the goat Satan's going to sacrifice. It's got no edge, or no end in sight, I cant even fuckin' sleep at night. dreams of...