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  1. TheSnake

    first grow

    All looks beuno!
  2. TheSnake

    Our vacation to Colorado for Mary Jane

    I'm angry that when I went to Denver it was 2006, Estes, boulder, red rock all that shit. Family reunion, funny thing is i flew from AIT in the army straight there for a week, and there was not a spliff in sight then. I really want to go back now. RUI meet n greet sometime there, I would love...
  3. TheSnake

    10 Year old seeds. Will They germinate? Lets find out!

    Hope they pop for ya man. Good luck!
  4. TheSnake

    Newb Training 101. Have I missed anything.

    Spider mites, and other pests / animals that are prone to attacking or in some way fucking marijuana up, and how to deter them from your garden. Flies and gnats are also annoying, not so much dangerous, but annoying. Other than that, just try to control your frustrations. lol
  5. TheSnake


    Depends on the high you want as well as the strain... 1,The typical is 10% amber, the majority cloudy, and like 5-10% clear ones, You'll be harvesting at ideal psychoactive time, more thc, less cbd & cbn OR... 2,You can flower till your whole damn thing is basically amber tricombs for more of...
  6. TheSnake

    Music to smoke too

    lmao listening to exact song at time i scroll past to post "metallica" .
  7. TheSnake

    what is your honest gram per watt ? no bull shit . honest answers only.please.

    I think I would shit my pants to actually see a 1:1 ... LOL, but only been at it for a little shy of a year, and had many bumps along the way. Live and learn. Tired of loosing money by actually working for it lol. I'm sure one day i will profit. LMAO
  8. TheSnake

    what is your honest gram per watt ? no bull shit . honest answers only.please.

    After my first joke of a cfl setup, once i got a hid the conditions were still terrible, got a hermie nanna and it managed to seed some shit up somehow. First (Cfl) I got hell... I would say a little over a half oz, so like maybe 18 grams or a little more? A shame since i had like 600 watts of...
  9. TheSnake

    Couple of Questions before CFL grow

    Ph meters CAN be expensive, if your in a grow shop that is... You can have a digital Chinese one shipped to your house with calibration packs etc $13.99 on ebay... PH is essential, if the PH is whack, your plants can literally just die, and you may not even have a yield. PH is like like...
  10. TheSnake

    Still Stumped Low Yield

    What size container you using (soil)? You can severely limit them gains by restricting to smaller pots. Trimming sugars and small shit, will stretch the plant, much more bush like if you keep all the stuff near the bottoms. ^ like lilroach said. Also topping does help to get main's, although...
  11. TheSnake

    Help Germanition

    ^ Then again, I've put seeds in dirt, forgot, re used container for a clone, and have a surprise seedling pop out of no where after weeks and weeks in wet or dry as hell soil lol.
  12. TheSnake

    Help Germanition

    Relax, some seeds take longer to sprout than others. How many day's has your germinated seed's been put into the cubes? If its been over 7, something might have been damaged during the placement into cube, such as breaking / tearing taproot, etc. If it's more than 7 days after you put in...
  13. TheSnake


    Not sure what the last bit of this post is actually meaning, but those cuttings look rather big. I find the smaller the amount of foliage to keep alive, the easier it goes for me.
  14. TheSnake

    Change CFL for HPS?

    Put all of your lights on them, why not?
  15. TheSnake

    Whites and Blacks... Who is afraid of who? Lolz

    This is true... Not sure what anyone would get pissed off at me for though? In most situations I am very defusing, and non-confrontational because of how i trained myself to be while carrying weapons. A bar fight is a bar fight, but when you have a glock or something shoved in your pants, you...
  16. TheSnake

    cfl grow

    Looks great, The hard part is flower. Have fun! I would use all the real sunlight you possibly can.
  17. TheSnake

    600 watt question

    Depends on what your really trying to do... You could be soging in solo cups, whats more important is how large you want the plants your growing to become.
  18. TheSnake

    Whites and Blacks... Who is afraid of who? Lolz

    Note, I am a white male, late twenties. It has came across my mind more than a few times, just by studying others behavior. It seems to me, on average, we have the following... Black men : Seem to act alpha in public, especially when joined by friends. Black women : Seem to act not only alpha...
  19. TheSnake

    do i need run off if i ph my water?

    Same, only on my 4th and i don't call it "medicinal", although we know it is... Most marijuana is smoked/consumed for purely recreational purposes (just my opinion).