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  1. TheSnake

    Pleas help me A/C sizing.

    get the biggest thing you can afford. it will pay for itself in the long run...
  2. TheSnake

    Pleas help me A/C sizing.

    Big... a central cooling unit for something around 2000 square foot. which is about double... you may even need more if those hoods are not air cooled.
  3. TheSnake

    ph color comaprison

    next investment... 10-20 usd (ebay) Chinese ph meter... the color thing sucks, i have one too, used for less than two weeks. lol
  4. TheSnake

    ph color comaprison

    what he said, alot rests on that question.
  5. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    You do understand everyone on this planet has to die, or no? To which death would you prefer? :)
  6. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    The term you guys use "naturally" I find obtuse, and out of category. Do you think the meds grandpa is on to stay alive or, gay cousin is on to stay out of a box in the ground because of hiv is fucking natural? Everything, every med, every virus, every cure we have is NATURAL. Natural as meaning...
  7. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    But you realize if you want to look like superman, which i do... It takes more than a diet and lifting to achieve it. At least for guys like us... But you don't have the drive i do, I don't know why i have it, maybe its just self gratification, maybe some type of mental fixation, or fascination...
  8. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    Already have a mental problem, its called chronic pain for almost a decade, and being an american teenager, who saw 911 when he was 14, was poisoned by media to hating the middle east... Then joined the army after loosing his obesity at 18, only to discover everything was a fucking lie. Then...
  9. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    I am an ex obese teen. till 18 i was 320 fucking pounds, my lowest after that was 185 but i still had loose skin (not a shit ton, but still more than im comfortable with). I only seek to fill out the skin with muscle it would normally take 10 fucking years to do, without injury and immaculate...
  10. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    It's not cheating if everyone knows about it, and i would freely admit to it, as much as i would admit to being an alcoholic, a amphetamine, mdma, and marijuana user? How is screwing up my balls the least of my concerns? Please explain your thoughts? Thanks for not answering the question, and...
  11. TheSnake

    Online steroids, getting back into lifting!

    Going to start lifting again, and want to try gear for the first time. I'm sick and tired of the natty gains I've made on and off the last decade, I am almost 27 now, already have a child, my gf has 2 that are teens, mine is 1 and change, screwing up my balls is of no concern to me. I want...
  12. TheSnake

    First grow. Are they ready?? LOTS of pics included

    (In Bane voice) "what a lovely, lovely plant."
  13. TheSnake

    First Grow... Think I have a male :/

    Jesus!!! I hope you chopped that down very very fucking carefully... If all of those beans opened, I don't think you would have an unpollinated female in that space for quite a while! Just looking at that thing made me cringe.
  14. TheSnake

    Fell Off For A Bit. I Still Exist..

    FL checking in too, its a fucking nut house here. :) When MMJ passes, or before. Beach bbq after i loose some weight, im down. Dont need my man titties to be in excess of any female 10 year olds tits, unless its raw beef. :)
  15. TheSnake

    Forbes Article ---- Epic Fail of Obama Care?

    Misogynistic, I had to google that, Impressive. I have never heard anti-fem categorized so bluntly by a single word, yet had not wondered of its synonyms enough to try to find some. Where did you go to school / go to school? Terms like that make me think your an extensive google'r like me for...
  16. TheSnake

    5 females in gallons and gallons worth of soil, space concern.

    Trying to figure out to contain the beast of foliage that is going to occur very soon, 1 week in flower right now, so not much change but my plants will easily outgrow vertically my 8 foot light ceiling... What type of containment device is both cheap and extremely effective, note, I will not...
  17. TheSnake

    Clones taken close to 3 weeks into flowering. What to expect?

    Any grower with minimal space, without fem seeds, kinda has to go this route. No worries, they turn out better buds than the mothers in my experiences of like a whopping 1 full year lol.
  18. TheSnake

    what do you look like?

    ^ For instance in my multiple run ins with police in the past due to wild riding and driving antics. I have never even been asked to search anything, must just have a trust able "non" criminal face? Don't know?
  19. TheSnake

    what do you look like?

    6'2" about 225 lb (let myself go a bit, at about 205 working out all the time, pretty thick) buzz cut like basic training, with either a beard or goat constantly. Also minimal tattoos. Motorcyclist / Biker style clothing, jean and a t shirt, normal job. Sportbikes/dirtbikes. No one would ever...
  20. TheSnake

    Forbes Article ---- Epic Fail of Obama Care?

    Is that Hillary Duff on weed/cheeseburgers? LMFAO