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  1. D

    What are you smoking today?

    Smoking some Gorilla Glue I just finished drying. It foxtailed a lil at the end of the grow. But already smoked lovely. Can't wait to try it in a month
  2. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    I'm using cloth pots will the run off leak through the pots ok? Didn't actually think about that Thanks a lot for taking an interest. Have been getting quite worried about the little ladies. Really appreciate your feedback
  3. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Yeah I'm beginning to think I should of gone the 50/50 route but the guy swore I would like this. Now I am not to sure. Pretty locked in though now. I have some other little plants in small pots all tied down ATM. They are my side project. Maybe I can move those into a different substrate and...
  4. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Sorry it is Coco and clay balls.
  5. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    My tap water is higher than that. I dont have the funds for an RO system at the moment so sadly I have to make do with the old council pop Edit: ok so it is Coco and clay balls sorry.
  6. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Repotted them a week ago mate. They have been watered once more in that time and I plan on feeding them again tonight
  7. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Ok so I'll feed tonight with some calmag added. I'm thinking just 1mil per ltr should be ok? I'll have to water them a bit more than litre if I am to get that much run off though they are in 25liter pots. Will I not drown them? I'll check if I am getting a EC drop hopefully they just want a...
  8. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    It's been 3 days between waterings. I'm guessing maybe step it up a bit? Maybe give a feed tonight instead of just a water like I was planning? Water I am using is from my tap. I leave it for 24 hours before Mixing nutes. It is super hard. Fed them as described above and gave them 1 liter...
  9. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Yeah that's what it is. The dude in my local shop suggested I try it and so far he has been pretty good at setting me the right way so I just thought I'd give it a whirl. I mostly have only grown in soil or NFT before. Oh, and a couple of DWC grows as well. Hopefully I haven't made a massive error
  10. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Yeah it's Coco and those clay balls. According to the feeding schedule you pH them as hydro. This is what the guy in my local shop recommend I tried because I was fed up with nft growing.
  11. D

    Possible deficiency but can't be sure ️

    Hi there. This is my first post here. Sorry it's such a boring one. This is my first time trying 60/40 and I can't be sure as what the deficiency is. All 4 plants were transplanted a week ago now. They have been topped and I want to start lsting them now but want to narrow down this problem...