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  1. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    Ah, my tent has arrived:
  2. B

    Quick question about spider mites....

    Thanks everyone. I'll look into Mighty Wash once I get out of the hospital. I've got surgery for a brain tumor scheduled tomorrow. I've heard too many mixed reports on things like Dr. Doom and Hot Shot strips, I hear they can be bad for your health, so I've held off on getting them. I could...
  3. B

    Quick question about spider mites....

    Thanks! I've been doing this for years now though, and they have to come in during the winter anyways. I've read that mixing bleach and water then spraying the walls works, I just don't want to ruin the walls with the mixture :lol:
  4. B

    Quick question about spider mites....

    Hey all, A few months ago I noticed my trees (that I grow indoors) were infested with spider mites. So I took them out of the room they stay in over winter, and moved them all outdoors to be treated. Since that was several months ago, and no plants have been in since, could the mites still be...
  5. B

    Humid and well ventilated? Indoor growing question....

    Thank you! Now, is it inline fans that would work best? I have no idea how to even begin looking into which fan is best and why, etc etc.
  6. B

    Humid and well ventilated? Indoor growing question....

    Thanks! See, I'm not familiar with the types of fans you all use. I've wanted to learn how to use them, but haven't gotten around to that just yet.
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    Humid and well ventilated? Indoor growing question....

    Hi everyone, I grow bonsai indoors under T5 lights and have done so for a few years now. I grow tropical plants (Ficus) that love the heat and humidity. Usually what I'll do is I'll build a box out of PVC, then cover it in plastic and add a plexiglass roof: This usually works out pretty...
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    Waterproof Mylar

    Does anyone think this stuff would work well? Anyone used it?
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    Waterproof Mylar

    Alright so I'll see where I can find some Panda Film. Looks like I can buy it online at Home Depot and have it shipped to the store. P.S. What's a reputation comment and how can I view it? I just got a notification saying I got a reputation comment but have no idea where it's at lol
  10. B

    Waterproof Mylar

    Thanks! Is it reflective at all?
  11. B

    Waterproof Mylar

    Well, since I was sent the wrong tent, I'm back to building my own. Are there any online places that sell the diamond patterned mylar? I've only found the normal kind that is easily ruined by high humidity. I've also read that moisture easily penetrates panda film, can anyone confirm that?
  12. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    Wow, this company isn't starting off well. I received the tent today, but it's the wrong tent.
  13. B

    Waterproof Mylar

    Thank you both! I'm surprised I'm actually getting answers. I've been on other marijuana forums and they don't respond to me because I don't grow marijuana, but hey, we're all indoor growers trying to grow as best we can. I've heard mixed opinions on panda film, ranging from "it doesn't...
  14. B

    Waterproof Mylar

    Hi again, I'm a bonsai grower (as the name suggests) who grows primarily indoors. I've been growing indoors for a few years now with mixed results. The trees I grow are tropical trees, Ficus, that like high heat and humidity. So in order to make them happy I built boxes for them made out of...
  15. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    Alright so I went ahead and bought the Lighthouse one. Has anyone ever had any issues with high humidity affecting their lights? My trees like humidity on the higher side, but I'm afraid of that causing something bad to happen to my lights.
  16. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    I think what I'll do is go with the Lighthouse one, then build a PVC frame inside of that to support the light, that way it's not dragging on the tent.
  17. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    I've seen that one, but unfortunately it's just a bit too tall for me. I'd like to keep it at 5 feet or shorter, that's why these two choices were (I thought) perfect :-|
  18. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    Thank you, I'll be sure to look out for that. I would love to buy a Secret Jardin or Gorilla, but it doesn't seem like they come in the size I'm looking for, unfortunately. They're all too big for my room.
  19. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    Well shoot, seems like one of these is cheaply made and the other is toxic...:roll:
  20. B

    Grow Tent selection help

    I think I've got it down to these two: Or...