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  1. bulla

    250w or 400w?

    id go with the 400
  2. bulla

    Cost of Hash?

    around ny its 20 a gram
  3. bulla

    Dilemma those dogs u gotta pic of
  4. bulla

    What Do You do for a Living?

    self employed construction last 22 years
  5. bulla

    My Ladys Need to be Transplanted and I Have a ? Help Pros

    my bad i missed the cup part i saw cup and was thinking plastic dont ask lol yea u can cut bottom and i would leave the sides like u had planned
  6. bulla


    lmao i was thinking the same thing and was gonna give him some advice on cloning outside but NO! not waisting time
  7. bulla

    "Fuck You USA!

    we have our guys all over helping people and i dont agree with all it but like the caption says FUCK OFF......we may suck to u but id rather live no place else we are a SUPER POWER MUTHA FUCKERS !!!!!!
  8. bulla


    u may have some problems cloning outside
  9. bulla

    Please Take a Gander. Pics Included!

    cut back on nutes maybe do a flush i would and get thermometer u need one
  10. bulla

    Smoking a Bowl of Hair

    lmao thats what i was thinking
  11. bulla

    Rock Wool in Expanded Clay

    lol try that with a whole bag and your have a fucking mess. shit will be like mud on the bottom of your tub plus its bad for the pee trap just saying incase u ever wanna try to wash alot dont make the mistake i did
  12. bulla

    Just Over 8 Weeks Flower.Any Ideas?

    they look about done u should check the trichs
  13. bulla

    My Ladys Need to be Transplanted and I Have a ? Help Pros

    yea u can but if your gonna do that just cut up the side of the cup and be careful more room for the roots to branch out
  14. bulla

    What is the Fastest Auto Flower?

    Ruderalis is her name, being worthless is her game if i was to make a t-shirt that would be it lmao
  15. bulla

    Need Help Getting Started in My Closet!

    ask the people at store for some cfl bulbs highest watt u can get leach that soil u got real good get a fan and your set to grow total cost less than 50 dollars
  16. bulla

    Smoking a Bowl of Hair

    it taste nasty and i didnt get high
  17. bulla

    Please Take a Gander. Pics Included!

    are u using nutes ? if so how much and whats your temps?
  18. bulla

    Post a Picture of the Best Dope Smoking Shirt You've Ever Seen

    not the best pic but the only t i ever kept with weed on it gotta be 10 years old lol
  19. bulla

    Co2 question again...

    your be fine i always got a day or 2 in between tanks
  20. bulla

    Perpetual Flower?

    ur gonna need fresh growth for new buds