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  1. I

    tomorrow will be her first day of flowering(lemon skunk)(pics)

    leaves seem a little droopy, but other than that looks good. good luck!
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    1st grow. looking for feedback

    I've been using 2 gallons (approx. maybe a little less) to water all 9 of the ladies, so I guess I'll water them a little more until I see more runoff, and start watering them less often. As far as strains, if you look on the bottom right of the pictures when zoomed in it says what stain/how...
  3. I

    TOO MUCH LIGHT?? help, need to know...

    misting isn't very beneficial considering the risks it presents... burning leaves, mold, etc. sounds to me like you should be just fine at 83, but pictures of your room would help a lot. and how far away are the lights from the plants is important if you cant get pictures
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    1st grow. looking for feedback

    I've been watering them every 24 hrs b/c they seem to need it. the day after watering the plants start becoming droopy. After I water them they are very perky until the following day (then whenever they show signs of drooping I water). And yea I'm going to transplant the plants in the 2 gal pots...
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    1st grow. looking for feedback

    If you're talking about the 2nd, 4th or 6th picture its because the pH was off during those weeks. When you enlarge the pictures they are labeled in the bottom right corner what strain/week they are. Hope that's what you're talking about, otherwise i'm not too sure what you're seeing...
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    1st medical grow.1400w

    ahh, i see.... that's too bad. 85 is better, but a little lower would be better as the summer is approaching and it will def be getting warmer out, making it even harder to cool the tent. i have no experience with co2, but i would get an intake fan as well, considering the plants cant use co2 in...
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    1st grow. looking for feedback

    Posted this originally in the design/setup forum, but the tent is now running perfectly and I could not figure out how to switch forums so I'm re-posting here (as I'm looking for input on my ladies). So here is what I am working with: GrowLab 120 (4'x4'x6.5') 6" Hydrofarm Raidaint AC reflector...
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    1st medical grow.1400w

    how did you let 2 plants die from underwatering? how long are you letting them go without water? and 89 is on the high side as far as temp goes.... do you have an intake or exhaust?
  9. I

    1st grow. looking for feedback

    decided to just snap the new pictures and post them now. Ladies are 3-4 weeks old now. let me know if you have any questions or comments!! EDIT: forgot to mention that I FIMd all of the ladies today (LA woman & Island sweet skunk a few days ago), so I cant wait to see what the new growth does...
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    1st grow. looking for feedback

    Sorry it took so long but here are some pictures from about a week ago... ive been feeding them at 1/2 strength and they've been responding well. Ill snap some new pictures later tonight and get them posted tomorrow too! Cheers!
  11. I

    heat and humid

    yea ummm you dont want high humidity at all during flowering... just gonna increase the chance of mold.... humidity isnt the worst problem to have, as it isnt the biggest deal in a plant growing. If you keep your temp at the right spot and your plants are growing well, youre fine. however, if...
  12. I

    heat/stress related! please help

    looks like its heat related to me... just got a little burned. get a thermometer asap and let us know what the temp in there is. also, prob not the best to use a 24/0 cycle. try a 20/4 cycle... they need a little break from the light every now and then
  13. I

    first grow! one plant yellowing / drooping

    NO!! DONT SEPARATE THE ROCKWOOL AND SOIL FROM THE PLANT!!!! You will damage very sensitive root hairs or the roots themselves, which can shock and kill the plant. As an earlier post said, it looks like you've got a pretty bad case of spider mites on that middle plant, which leads me to believe...
  14. I

    Are these ready for flowering?

    Yea I'd start flowering them... Keep up the good work!
  15. I

    I performed surgery.couldn't help it

    just remember to try and make as clean a cut as possible (if you have to trim), so the plant can heal itself quickly
  16. I

    chemdawg sisters week5

    your ladies look big to me for only being 5 weeks old... I'm 2 weeks into growing a chemdawg and would be surprised if mine was that large at 5 weeks. (im also running under 1000w, fwiw) keep up the good work
  17. I

    First time grow..ready for flowering?...Male or female

    I'm a first time grower, but it looks good to me so far! keep it up
  18. I

    which tent?

    mylar > any white stuff .... IMO
  19. I

    Check out my grow setup: Window veg and closet flower

    looks nice... keep up the hard work!
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    Need Ideas.

    yea you should get some pictures up. Much easier to understand what you're working with here that way