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  1. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    Just dropped a batch of Go Time seeds into the old damp napkin setup... first grow in 3 years. Holy Shit. Hope these seeds are still good!
  2. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Well, I just cut off the light timer in my garden... 7 pm tonight will be 24 hours of dark period. I think I'll chop them tonight so I don't have to rush through Monday morning at 7 am. Pix coming later tonight!
  3. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    I believe you're asking what strain, Go Time is the strain bro.
  4. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Damn Gina! lol
  5. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    No, Jinxproof is breeding his own strains under the TGA name. What he carries isn't necessarily what Subcool carries. However he carries everything Subcool.
  6. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    Look at what I added to my seed bank yesterday! That's right... I got 10 pack of Hit Girl! Apparently superior to 9 lb Hammer, which I'm adding next month. Here's what I'm holding now in my personal stash... TGA / JinxProof Genetics: Go Time Hit Girl Vortex Tap Out Hurkle Day Glow...
  7. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Very fruity and citrusy. Was chatting with Jinxproof yesterday and he said that the extractors have been going crazy over this strain due to the high returns. That's why I got some more beans lol! Not to extract, to burn. I'm old school. Dabs are for the youngsters with more brain cells left...
  8. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Pix from two days ago... harvesting in another 4 days after a 36 hour dark period. Flushed over a week ago and watering with RO only at this point. Go Time by Jinxproof Genetics / TGA Genetics
  9. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Beautiful pix bro! Quick question is there any benefit to hanging with fan leaves on? I leave my sugar leaves on and dry trim, but haven't left fan leaves on but see that others do this method.
  10. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    If I get a dude, I may separate him and just pollinate a select cola or two... who knows, but it's gonna be fun either way!
  11. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    If I get both, I'm might let them run together and just stockpile a bunch of beans. If they're feminized, we'll have some fire to burn through. She's a heavy producer. I got well over 440 grams out of a 400 watt hps bulb with this last run. Glad to have them back in the garden!
  12. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    We got 5 winners. Should be in Dixie cups by this evening!
  13. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Bro I smell like a fruit basket each time I finish in the garden... lol
  14. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    Actually just zoomed into the middle bean and she's out too! Look again if you missed it in the picture before!
  15. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    53 hours later & the first girl popped! Her sisters should be greeting me in the morning!
  16. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    It's Go Time. Norton x Jesus OG Kush Jinxproof replied to me earlier and said to go the full 63 days.
  17. FredFlintstoner0420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    When do you all see the biggest phase of bud growth during flower? I'm getting some really great colas, but they're not as fat as I was hoping they'd be at this point. I'm only on day 43 of 63 of flower... something tells me the weight should start packing on during these final 3 weeks give...
  18. FredFlintstoner0420

    Seed Pictures

    Here's 5 of the hermied Cold Creek Kush beans prepped for germination. Let's see how this goes! Wish me luck!