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  1. xxterminator

    diagnosis please!!

    hi guys, well the roots are dark in places, ive always had dark areas on roots before but have never suffered this before,the leaves are not hot ican touch the cooltube with the back of my hand and its not too hot. interested in the magnesium build up can you tell me what and why about it...
  2. xxterminator

    diagnosis please!!

    thx for responses, they are getting watered for 5 mins every hour,roots are already in the tank, i put them on to flower 2 days ago,its only the one plant. is it possible to still get heat stress when the temps are ok? doing my head in now!!!!!!!!!!
  3. xxterminator

    diagnosis please!!

    somebody must of had this before!!!!!!!
  4. xxterminator

    diagnosis please!!

    whats wrong with my baby?have included pics, anyone know this? im using R.O water ionic nutes,water temp 20c, tent temp 26c,humidity low 20%,ph hovers about 5.8 - 6.8 has been the worst,E.C of 2.2 . the other plants did show signs of it but seemed to disappear. anyone?
  5. xxterminator

    dwc system?

    can any1 help me out and explain or link me to some info on a dwc system, been growing with recirculating systems so i know nothing about it i.e how often if at all you change tank?how full?do i still need to hand wter? please some help fellow growers thx:bigjoint:
  6. xxterminator

    4 weeks into flowering should i

    too late to cut now,should be done week befor flowering!
  7. xxterminator

    help with lights

    150w will do u bout 1.5-2 feet square
  8. xxterminator

    abrupt, unavoidable and very sad.

    the trouble youre going to have is youre going to be pulling in the same air youre exhasting(heat issues). you need to find a way to get cool air in, then you could rig your inlet and outlet fans to a temp sensor so they only run when temps get too high.cant see a problem with having the light...
  9. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    really appreciate you taking the time to advise me m8,i will be getting busy on it SOON! thx a lot
  10. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    my setup and pic of fav bud!:bigjoint:
  11. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    well ive got a spare 5 and 6 inch fan ducting ect,ive just been looking at your journal and im well impressed.i went to take some pics to show you what i meant but seems a waste no but ill stick em up any way
  12. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    how often do you exhaust then?or is it on perm?
  13. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    ive never thought of that sort of set up!bloody gd idea m8! i have a ten inch fan outside the tent pulling air through two cool tubes with carbon filter at the end.and i have a 4inch extractor that blows in at the bottom,but its rigged to a temp controller so only blows when its hot otherwise...
  14. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    thx bob for your reply,to pick your brain ,i have cool tubes running so does that mean its a no go for me? also i thought you need perm air circulation(inlet/outlet fans running)? maybe i aint ready for this yet!
  15. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    anyone out there got some advice?
  16. xxterminator

    how many plants can you fit?

    2 plants tops!
  17. xxterminator

    co2 amounts?

    ok so ive done my first ever grow and it turned out v successful,now my head has swollen up and i feel confident enough to be using co2. so can any one tell me what sort of amount of co2 im going to need per grow,i will be using it in a 1.2m*1.2m*2m tent with 1200w hps. i want to know what sort...
  18. xxterminator

    Quick noob question

    nope nope nope!
  19. xxterminator

    One question to rule them all...

    cant answer that for sure as everygrow(even if you repeat exact same steps) is different! after all it is a living thing youre dealing with! but one thing organics are a better way to grow!!!!!!!!!!! my opinion anyway for what its worth. gd luck.
  20. xxterminator

    1st Crop Wat do u THink pics..

    my m8 just done some uk cheese and ak47,flowering time for him was 8/9 week! nice crop by the way!