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  1. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Ah Yes I have been looking at them ill order one ASAP
  2. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    When I say 1200w equivalent I mean it produces the same amount of light as one yet uses alot less wattage in general. The light has been working great truly has n produces a small amount of heat alot less than a normal grow light I just can't set it up 100% properly ATM haha trying but this is...
  3. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    The light is pretty powerful and does put off some heat but I'm In a very tropical climate so yeh hard to keep cool. Light is basically equivalent to a 1200w sodium light lol so yeh bit of a over kill for the area
  4. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Ah ok the light is about 3-4 feet above the plants I havnt gotten a extractor fan yet just got a desk fan circulating air around. The yellow leaves are only on the bottom of the plants too no where else and as for the leaves curving up its mainly the top leaves none of the others
  5. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Here are the pics if they ain't the best ill load better ones
  6. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Ah kk I do have a 5 in 1 fert that has everything in it n I was worried I was over ferting it because the soil is a good soil but I am looking for a good fert. Anyone got any suggestions? I want to go to full hydro next grow. Just the edges are curling up n it seems to be mainly top leaves I...
  7. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Grow is going ok not too happy as I've had no time to fix some small things sadly. Plants are getting bigger and starting to bud so out of 8 I have 7 females :) got a little bit of yellow leaf and some leafs are curling but I havnt lowered the light to see if it is that. honestly think I might...
  8. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Alright people tent is set up plants r in n it's running :) but I'm not happy with the tent it's leaking light out sadly n because I run it from 0200-2000 yeh I'm just not happy. I think ill look at a gorilla grow tent. so here are some pics anyway 1.2m x 1.2m x2m alright now also the 3 long...
  9. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    No way nice Ol bud it says to have it 2.5-3.5ft above plants, I had it lower before and it was burning the plants. The 5w LEDs have alot of punch. I'm setting up my grow tent as we speak ill put some pics up later ;)
  10. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Hey hyroot I just found my invoice it is a LG-LED Solutions limited LEDs :)
  11. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Hyroot I think it's a mars light not 100% sure but I did have a good look at internals etc and it has a brilliant heat sink and cooling fans etc. (engineer by trade I am)
  12. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    The plants are stretched because they were sitting on a widow sill to start with and for to long as I said since they have been under the light they have bushed up heaps as I've also stated.
  13. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    No it's not a black dog. Think it was called a mars light there is no labelling on it but ill check on the invoice. Yeh I'm very limited with height ATM but next week my grow tent will hopefully arrive (fingers crossed) then it should be able to use it properly. These plants r trials as not...
  14. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    I think the start of the grow stressed them out alot because they didn't get lots of sunlight and small cups instead of pots so probably lacked nutrients etc but they only been in pots and under the light for a week n have doubled if not tripled in size now its just a full spectrum light u can...
  15. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Hey everyone small update plants are going bonkers with this light they r loving it! Funny though its only in a 2footx2foot area lol. Going to have to give it alot more space soon. Ill load up some pics tonight not under the light so can see. Any questions just ask ill try n do a vid
  16. Farkerr87

    My 700w led 5w diode grow

    Ok ppl I'm new to the led grow and thought wtf not go all out. Purchased a 700w led light with 5w diodes and set it up with 7 plants not sure wat variety as they were just seeds found in brought weed lol. They r trials. I've uploaded pics of the light. Will cover a 17feet sq area easy. Ive...
  17. Farkerr87


    Thanks alot ppl ill email a couple of banks n see how I go cheers eastcoastmo your a legend!!
  18. Farkerr87


    Cheers eastcoastmo I been looking for a while now n just havnt been sure. Also been fiddling around with led grow lights n am finally set up so ill look at those seed banks now.
  19. Farkerr87

    Getting seeds to Australia

    Hey ppl who do you recommend for buying seeds online? based in qld so yeh any help would be great :)
  20. Farkerr87


    Who has brought seeds online in Australia and gotten them? Who did you go through?