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  1. ramarmy

    MY weed smells like HAY!! WHY??

    OK thanks guys.. I'll try not to panic too much
  2. ramarmy

    MY weed smells like HAY!! WHY??

    Hi there everyone, I Have finally grown my first crop of weed and I was so happy until today when I went in to check on how i's drying. It smells like hay!! Can anyone tell me why this is please? When it was growing and when I chopped it, it smelt amazing. Please can some help me? Strain is...
  3. ramarmy

    Please help!! What is wrong with my seedlings

    Ok thank you for the advice. Yes they have lots of new growth since they have come out of the propagator, it's just seems to have effected the leaves that were there while in there.
  4. ramarmy

    Please help!! What is wrong with my seedlings

    Hello everyone again!! i am now on my second grow after having a few problems with my first. Everything seemed to be going well until I took them out of the propagator. As soon as I did the leaves started shrivelling up and I just put it down to the humidity whilst in the propagator. Since them...
  5. ramarmy

    Have I got pollen sacks on my baby?

    That's great. That is wot I really needed to hear, I was so worried that I was going to have to take drastic measures. I will wait for a few more replies just to make sure but thank you for your quick response.
  6. ramarmy

    Have I got pollen sacks on my baby?

    Once again I am back on here for advice lol. Please see the attached pics and someone please tell me if they are pollen sacks on my baby's. They are 4 weeks into flower. I know the pics rant great but my camera won't focus on them properly. Please please help.
  7. ramarmy

    Humidity problems.... Please help

    Hey bro Thanks for the reply.. Ok I will leave the fan on from now on then. Is it a problem though that the humidity is rising to 70-80%? For the daytime - I am getting a 400w bulb in the next few days so I'm sure that will raise the temps a bit so will be fine then.. Just really worried about...
  8. ramarmy

    Humidity problems.... Please help

    HI everyone Once again I am back with another problem lol. Everything has been going well since I sorted out my last problem but now I am really struggling with keeping the humidity levels down and this is really strange as when I was in the veg stage it was hard for me to keep it up at the...
  9. ramarmy

    PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    cheers popcorn900 :)
  10. ramarmy

    PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    will the pollen sacks grow back?
  11. ramarmy

    PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    OK thanks for the advise guys. I know it looks like the pods are in the buds but I have gone through it again and again and the pods are not in the buds, it must just be that the pic had a shadow on it or something. I have pulled them all off now so would it be worth keeping?
  12. ramarmy

    PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    Why should I kill it though? if it started off female then surely it cant pollinate my other plants?
  13. ramarmy

    PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    So what do I do? they were feminised seeds so don't understand how this happened and it's only on one plant. Can I still leave it to flower?
  14. ramarmy

    PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?

    Hello again everyone. I am once again in need of some help and very fast. As I was watering my plants today on one of them (the biggest and strongest I might add) I noticed what looks like seed sacks. IM praying that they are not as there is only a few of them and I also knocked one off as I was...
  15. ramarmy

    When do I start my plants flowering?

    Can anyone suggest a good flowering nute to use? Im using biobiz all miz soil
  16. ramarmy

    When do I start my plants flowering?

    Thanks for the advice devilspawn it is much appreciated :)
  17. ramarmy

    When do I start my plants flowering?

    OK guys thanks for the advice and I have now switched them to 12/12.. Please could you tell me what the humidity level be now and when should I start giving them blooming nutes for flowering??
  18. ramarmy

    My plants seem like they are dying... Why????

    Thats pretty good man and you did very well with your first grow I must say. I think I will watch some videos on youtube and If I think I can do it I will, I'm sure I will be a lot more confident after this first grow
  19. ramarmy

    When do I start my plants flowering?

    Thanks man... Really appreciate the advice
  20. ramarmy

    My plants seem like they are dying... Why????

    Wow that looks good but complicated lol. may I ask how much you got off that plant?