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  1. spaceinvaders

    Harvested 3 plants drying in cold basement??

    i would say take the fan off them if its cold in there, they could dry too quick so i'd keep an eye on them. resonably you want to be drying them somewhere with room temperature and thats where a fan on low speed would come into play.
  2. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    this is true i know, half of it has already been given out to a few mates and the rest il just be curing / smoking as i go :) not the strongest most potent plant but take nothing away from her shes still a very nice chilled out auto smoke. Next is the kannabia white domina (non auto) and by the...
  3. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    hands down boys, final weight when fully dry and crispy, trimmed FULLY was 45g. so yeh 3g over 1.5oz thanks for all the comments it was certainly my biggest auto yeilder!! As you can see here a couple days before the slam she was in some state due to the stunt i mentioned and actually had...
  4. spaceinvaders

    if my medium is too hard....

    thanks reefer, havent had this before with soil. this is my first time using compost and it seems to dry out alot quicker. ill just wait it out
  5. spaceinvaders

    if my medium is too hard....

    yeh man normal routine although i did put these a tiny bit further than usual to try and prevent lankiness in the seedlings. their normally out within a day or 2 you reckon i should dig em out if ther not up by tommorow?
  6. spaceinvaders

    if my medium is too hard....

    will my babys not push through? They are germed and put in the dirt 4 days ago and nothin! The compost is drying out pretty quick from being under the hot light and the medium is rock hard unless i water it everyday, will this be the problem?
  7. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    yes mate, ak47 x lowryder 2
  8. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    I had 2 going, one was in a regular size pot and went for 9 weeks. This monster was pushing 11 weeks because of a stunt she suffered from me going too heavy on the nutes but oh was she worth the wait. That is the weight with all stems removed and with the buds 90% dry after 4 full days or...
  9. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    Also an accurate guess there reefer, congrats on ur big lowryder harvest. Cant believe these weights are acheivable with autos. I thought at one stage this girl had had it with being stunted but she was a winner. Rep for everyone here!!
  10. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    Congrats my friend, you didnt guess the exact weight but you were the closest. 50G dry!!!! im ecstatic with the result! im gonna give or take a gram or 2 because its pretty dry now but by tommorow it will be spot on. i was expecting the buds to shrink alot while drying but they really didnt...
  11. spaceinvaders

    ak-47 auto need help

    It sounds like she is not an auto. Iv just harvested 2 of these and i had flowers by the 3rd week. There is alot of people growing what they beleive to be autos which arnt because of a genetic mix up with the breeders. I would try switching to 12/12 on the lighting and see what happens. Within a...
  12. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    i shall post the result this friday or saturday when the buds are proper dry. im gonna say 30 g's and anything over that will be excellent especially for an auto!! @ lochem i grew this sugar momma in space, (couple miles off Jupiter) to be exact so what makes you think i cant deliver? ha
  13. spaceinvaders

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    heres my easyryder hoping to get around 1.4 oz dried :bigjoint:
  14. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    right on!! be stoked to get that bro, know what you mean by the pic tho. Had her in a bucket near enough 2 gallon beast, she was started under a 250w hps and flowered under the 400w hps. always had the light around 1.5 - 2 ft
  15. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    not too sure what a zip is, is that what ur calling an ounze? because if you are i think thats a little optimistic haha if some1 can guess the exact weight il mail post a gram!!
  16. spaceinvaders

    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    this is 1 easy ryder chopped, grown in soil under 400 watts :leaf: any estimates to the dry yeild? havent weighed her wet jus waiting until she drys
  17. spaceinvaders

    anybody grown the UFO freebie, KANNABIA SEEDS WHITE DOMINA?

    what the title says... :bigjoint:
  18. spaceinvaders

    easyryder is not finishing?

    ye was thinking that, but if theres a solution to get her back on track i need to know it! anyone??
  19. spaceinvaders

    went shopping...

    is this stuff ok then?