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  1. spaceinvaders

    went shopping...

    Had trouble with soil in the past so im hoping this stuff should suit my canna? I also have perlite thats not included in the picture... says on the bag of soil peat free, do i need to add some peat in there aswell?
  2. spaceinvaders

    easyryder is not finishing?

    Here she is, as you can see lots of buds just want them to start performing!!
  3. spaceinvaders

    easyryder is not finishing?

    yeh deffo stunted, but after 2 flushes still no improvement. Yes it is the AK47 x LR2 its strange how the other one finshes sound and this one is taking forever Pic to follow...
  4. spaceinvaders

    easyryder is not finishing?

    Had 2 easyryders on the go, 1 finished at the correct time and this other one is just not doing it. Since say the 5-6th week the flowers have just stayed the same and leaves are just dying hardly any left now. Shes in a big bucket with soil, flushed her twice and still no change? There is some...
  5. spaceinvaders

    Starting to wonder if I'm wasting time and money.

    there isnt 1 unhealthy leaf on them bro!!
  6. spaceinvaders

    need a change.. and advice please

    thanks for that bonzi i know people claim that hydro is better but im gonna have to stick to dirt, much easier and i know (kinda) what im doing. Im thinking if it wasnt my HPS that was being horrible to my last plants it had to be the soil. Gonna search up the best way for an organic recipe...
  7. spaceinvaders

    need a change.. and advice please

    See its just the 4000k jobby but with the HPS my leaves arnt surviving at all so it has to be done really. cheers for that, what kind of compost am i looking for tho? any organic good stuff yeh?
  8. spaceinvaders

    need a change.. and advice please

    Im not in the US, or the UK i'm inbetween the UK and France and would need to have it shipped from the UK but would rather just be able to get it from a garden centre. Or will none of their stuf cut it? My temps were never any higher than 24 degrees,
  9. spaceinvaders

    need a change.. and advice please

  10. spaceinvaders

    need a change.. and advice please

    whats up guys. the grow i just finished didnt turn out like any of my previous grows and i feel im in need of a couple of changes... 1st is the soil, i just used multi-purpose compost from my local garden centre and dont think its doing the job. I would like to use maybe fox farms or bio...
  11. spaceinvaders

    can you leave autoflowers longer than 60days?

    @Spac3iinvader, i see you may have tried using my user name ;) haha. yeh man 18/6 - 20/4 is the light schedule you want to be using. Also dont go too heavy on the nutes as autos are sensitive to them
  12. spaceinvaders

    baby easyryder...

    Sprouted on Dec 3rd just after some more opinions into how shes lookin... im thinking maybe a week at the max then get the choppers out?
  13. spaceinvaders

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Sprouted on Dec 3rd hairs are changing and pistils receeding, any opinions?
  14. spaceinvaders

    Yellow Easy Ryder leaves- what is going on?

    im growing these also, started mine under a 250w hps and didnt have the problem ur having until around 4-5 weeks in when they went under my 400w hps. have to say im dissapointed with them, i mean im doing nothing different to any of my previous grows and they were all succesfull with no...
  15. spaceinvaders

    couple ?'s

    thanks for the reply oldreefer + rep. This will be my last auto run, i went for them to have this done within 10 weeks but that is not going to happen now looking at my big plant. i was given a free seed from the tude when i ordered a kannabia white domina fem so im just gonna be doing that 1...
  16. spaceinvaders

    couple ?'s

    hey folks. currently growing ak47 / lowryder 2, sprouted them on Dec 3rd in soil and things arnt exactly going to plan.They were started under 250w hps and from the 3rd week in they went under 400w hps. Well one of my 2 plants is much smaller than the other with her being in a smaller pot and...
  17. spaceinvaders

    have i wasted 2 months?? pics ..

    From when these plants were 2 weeks old i have been giving them bio bizz grow starting at around 1/4 ml up to 2 ml. Since they showed sex they have been on the bio bloom at the same rate, nothing else so far just this added to plain tap water. but iv been feeding every water, maybe i should be...
  18. spaceinvaders

    have i wasted 2 months?? pics ..

    thanks for the replys chaps. like i said they were flushed a couple of days ago, but not sure on the ph as i'v never bothered with it. these are flowering at the slowest rate any of my grows have ever been, all be it that its only my 2nd auto grow but i didnt have 1 issue with my last autos, and...