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  1. spaceinvaders

    have i wasted 2 months?? pics ..

    rephrase.. have i wasted my time making this post?
  2. spaceinvaders

    have i wasted 2 months?? pics ..

    Im growing 2 easyryders, AK47 x lowryder 2. In reg multi purpose soil n perlite under 400w hps (started under 250w hps) they sprouted on Dec 3rd and in no way in hell are they gonna be done by the reccomended time period. All fan leaves are long gone and a whole lot of other leaves too. I think...
  3. spaceinvaders

    easyryder stretch in flower?

    i wouldnt expect them to stretch too much in 3 litre pots, then again it all depends on how high and what lights you are using
  4. spaceinvaders

    Do my autos look ok?

    Heres a pic from my last auto grow, same light, same soil.. this was taken around 4 weeks in! and notice how much healthier it is. so i think there is something seriously wrong with my current grow. Im gonna get me a ph tester and flush these ladies out!
  5. spaceinvaders

    Do my autos look ok?

    like i said not sure what the ph is. im scared these plants are just fucked? they definatly arnt growing at the rate they were when they were sprouts to like 4 weeks.
  6. spaceinvaders

    Do my autos look ok?

    can anyone help ??
  7. spaceinvaders

    Do my autos look ok?

    thanks for the reply, not sure on the ppm or ph, iv never bothered with all that and never really had this issue before all be it this is only my 2nd auto grow. Lights have always been kept at least 1.5 - 2ft away from my plants, the 400w is even higher. Do you think a flush is in order? I have...
  8. spaceinvaders

    Do my autos look ok?

    These easyryder (AK47 x lowryder 2) are 7 weeks, 2 days old. They say these are to be finished after 7 weeks and they look like they have long to go with the leaves in a severe condition i dont see how they are going to finish in the way they would have with all the foliage in good health. i was...
  9. spaceinvaders

    Autoflower feeding, need a hand

    So i dont need to flush at all no? Apart from a week or 2 before chopping of course
  10. spaceinvaders

    Autoflower feeding, need a hand

    Been giving my easyryders bio bizz grow since they were 2 weeks old. They are now 4 weeks and the flowers are coming through, i just need to know if they need flushing before switching to the bio bloom? or can i just fire in with the bloom straight away? I'l be adding hammerhead PK 9/18 and...
  11. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto

    hi fella's. Can anyone tell me how to go about switching to bloom nutes from grow with my easyryders? Do i just mix in without flushing 1st or will they need a full flush before switching to the bloom? using bio bizz grow and bloom and will be adding hammerhead PK 9/18 and molasses in due course
  12. spaceinvaders

    Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

    you should all think urselves lucky you dont live where i do, i shift my green at £15 a g as im the only person i know of who grows here and it FLYS out. all pollen goes at £10 a g and as for that poisen they call soap bar i'd never touch it again!
  13. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto

    3.5 week old easyryders ... check how the 1 in the bucket is like 3 times the size of the other 1. THought these would be in full flower by now as my last autos were, but they are starting to now.
  14. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto

    Hows things chaps, thought id throw up a couple pics of my easyryders. They popped up on the 3rd of Dec, so it will be 2 weeks on Friday. The one that started growing with mutated/crunched leaves is ok, was just the 1st set that came out were messed up, shes the one in the smaller pot. there...
  15. spaceinvaders

    Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

    hi barbie lookin sweet! i'v also got these going at day 7 now so i will be following :)
  16. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto

  17. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto

    ok then cheers man will do
  18. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto

    made sure they wernt too close to the 400, near enough 1 foot, iv switched to the 250w today tho. I have 1 big oscilating fan in there blowing straight under the light on the babies and straight out the door at the front. Im yet to fit my pc fans up to the intake and outake. Will do when the...
  19. spaceinvaders

    The Art of The Auto
