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  1. spaceinvaders

    how close am i? (9weeks bloom)

    Heres the rest of the crop, i'd say the 1st kush i shown is the nearest to being ready. but any advice as to when these should be ready will be helpful. First 3 pics are my 2 other royal kush of G13 lab. Last 3 pics are of the l.a woman from DNA seeds
  2. spaceinvaders

    how close am i? (9weeks bloom)

    thanks for the advice dude, all plants have been on molasses from week 5-6 and were flushed the 1st time with them. im gonna chop a smallish nug off the side of the head and dry it out, and flush once more with molasses lights on now so heres a pic of the whole plant shes a bit of a beast lol...
  3. spaceinvaders

    how close am i? (9weeks bloom)

    Cheers fellas , i did think it was 2 weeks u need to flush but that plants had the 1 flush a few days ago so around 1 week you could say, will it be cool chopping after 2 full flushes? takes almost double the time for all the soil to properly dry out with all the water being thrown in , so i'd...
  4. spaceinvaders

    how close am i? (9weeks bloom)

    royal kush here, this is the plant i'd say looks most ready. what do you guys think?
  5. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    Cheers matey! She was around 2-3 weeks when i chopped, was the first time trying it thinking i was topping for 2 but i got 4 :) no complaints tho!
  6. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    some bud porn comin at ya, tommorow is 6 weeks into bloom for the 3 kushes and the other 2 are a week or so behind, check on the lemon skunk lezley the ladybirds chillin out shes a bit lazy need to give her a poke now and then to get her moving lol But no more thrip damage :bigjoint: 1. royal...
  7. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    thanks man appreciate it!
  8. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    wee update on the ladies , tommorow is the start of the 5th week for my 3 kush's. :mrgreen: The l.a woman and lemon skunk are around a week behind. Feeding full strenth bio bloom, and have just started on the hammerhead and molasses. The thrip problem seems to have been solved as i cant see any...
  9. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    finished?? can you read ok?
  10. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    Thank you dude. Im hoping with adding the hammerhead PK 9/18 and molasses it should beef them out in the last few weeks. quick pic of the lemon skunk thats also in there ... (5 altogether)
  11. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    nice 1 fella.
  12. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    cheers fellas!! del, i used a dual spec 250w for veg and then to red hps 400w for bloom. Well i think the 250 is dual where it came from they said it concentrates on as much of the blue spec as it does the red. The middle picture is an l.a woman that i topped, for 4 colas never topped before...
  13. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    shwweeeet! cheers dude just had a flick through ur albums glad to have someone like you leave a positive comment!! p.s your plants are awesome
  14. spaceinvaders

    How we lookin at 4 weeks into bloom?

    5 ladies here at 4 weeks into bloom, just wanted some feedback as to how they look. there under a 400w hps vegged under 250w hps, growing in regular multi purpose soil. Feeding with bio grow and bio bloom along with hammerhead PK9/18 and molasses. I had a pretty bad thrip problem which i seem to...
  15. spaceinvaders

    Thrips !!

    Someone was kind enough to share what he does. i have these ingrediants ... My spray consists of 8ml neem oil, per litre, of warm water ...a small piece of tea tree soap(size of your little finger nail, cinnamon bark-1 gram approx, put into some warm water mix all together until the soap forms a...
  16. spaceinvaders

    Thrips !!

    thanks for all the info jondamon appreciate it. rep up The spray i got from b&q has seemed to have done the job!! along with the full cleanout and sterilize of the room. i cant see any thrips in there now and before i sprayed it i only had to look once to see a leaf covered in them! Well about...
  17. spaceinvaders

    Thrips !!

    cheers for the info jondamon! +repp but i'v heard neem oil does just as much as spinosad so i have ordered some. I feel that if i try completing the grow without treating this i will be smokin thrips for sure!!
  18. spaceinvaders

    Thrips !!

    Thanks, not sure if i can grab spinosad in the u.k tho, been looking for it. is it cool to be spraying them whilst in flower? and anyone know if the thrips will go for my buds??
  19. spaceinvaders

    Thrips !!

    WOW such a usefull website!!!
  20. spaceinvaders

    Thrips !!

    something wrong with the post? or dosnt anyone know how to get rid of these fuckers?