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  1. TheSnake

    Oh shit rf interference cable shit!!!

    How proven is this? If i have to ill build a box as thick and large as needed for a few more ballasts.
  2. TheSnake

    Oh shit rf interference cable shit!!!

    Bad old TV connecting to it basically.
  3. TheSnake

    Oh shit rf interference cable shit!!!

    False alarm but I learned from it. Going to make Faraday box just in case. ipower 1k. It ended up being a bad digital cable box Lmfao.
  4. TheSnake

    Oh shit rf interference cable shit!!!

    Also can I basically just plug in a magnetic hps rated ballast to equipment sold with a digital? I assume everything is the same I just will not be able to dim and it will run a but hotter. Thanks for help to whoever.
  5. TheSnake

    Oh shit rf interference cable shit!!!

    Got the knock long story short. sacrificed all... Because of the fucking cable company. My strain has been weak sauce anyways but still... although this is a bump in the road and need to ground my grow electric better I know the mass rf interference from my digital is the culprit, the...
  6. TheSnake

    2013 Grow

    fosho dont know what dis foooew sayin fo sho. but yo shit be good to gro. yeh let dem niggaz kno, yo shit gon be on da flow.
  7. TheSnake

    If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

    If you ever walked out of a 7-11 and smelt stale herb in smoke form, and gotten into your ride as you see 3 random dudes, blazing a phatty in the suv your parked next to, and thought it could very well be the herb you yourself grew, smoked, bagged and sent down the line, you might be a ganja...
  8. TheSnake

    If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

    If you look through your window blinds at any strange noise, and double take anything looking remotely like police nearby very incognito like, If you are not at all accommodating to police, you drive the actual speed limit, and obey traffic laws, and wear sunglasses even for running out trash...
  9. TheSnake

    If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

    If own half a dozen ph'ing tools, keep stock piles of soil, have a half dozen baggie sizes, use laytex gloves to pack and dump your trash, and pay more than average attention to city employees or commercial that work in the neighborhood, you might be a ganja farmer.
  10. TheSnake

    Cloning Questions...

    Technically, you don't really "need" anything other than a knife or razor, small cups (dollar store) and water. No dome, just put them under CFL (s) , and mist the leaves as often as possible. Many will die, but when you roll ghetto like I do, just the name of the game. you can get a box with...
  11. TheSnake

    I think I finally killed her !

    Holy shit she is looking pretty bad, but if you do things right, she'll bounce back. Looks like more than one thing must we wrong? If you think its nute burn, maybe taking the root ball and soaking loose all the dirt, and totally re planting in fresh soil with no nutes added to it would help.
  12. TheSnake

    Cloning Questions...

    cut a few dif clones, just find an end clip about 4-6 inches down, put it in a cup of water, in your 24hr room and reveg the clones, in a week or two you should see root (now is best to put into soil). It's not all that hard, just know that clones die very easy, and quickly. Some will probably...
  13. TheSnake

    Had bowel obstruction surgry 2 1/2 weeks ago. The surgeon messed up. Gimme advice

    Ladies dig scars ;) Tell them hoe's you got shanked a few times in a gang fight while they tried to jack your 7 keys of white girl. Cut so deep you had poop running out of your guts, but you still finished the job. bwhahaha!
  14. TheSnake

    Stoner Girl Here!!!

    Knew there would be one! lmfao... you dont even know what she looks like, or if she is a he, or if that she/he is a fed. tread carefully, as walter white would say... lol
  15. TheSnake

    Stoner Girl Here!!!

    Some may help you simply because your a female... (shakes head) In my opinion, You'll need to go through everything like the rest of us, trial and error, wasted time, wasted money, risk etc. READ. There is enough information on this site alone, for you to become a pioneer of cannabis, If your...
  16. TheSnake

    Growing or starting other plants in the grow rooms.

    Same here, I would LOVE THAT.
  17. TheSnake

    Growing or starting other plants in the grow rooms.

    ^ Hell yeah... The act of being able to help nature along is a very strong feeling, I feel blessed that i can cultivate life, (regardless of what it really is). I use to have snakes, and basically bred my own rat's and mice for them, and also would sell frozen rats and mice to a friend that was...
  18. TheSnake

    Growing or starting other plants in the grow rooms.

    Was just wondering if any of you grew indoor fruit/vegetables/flowers in your respective ganja rooms, I myself have a 12/12 and a 24/0 (with much lower light intensity) That I already started with carrots and pumpkins (pumpkins almost ready for outdoor replanting), Which plants could I...
  19. TheSnake

    AC to cool down 400w in 3x3 closet?

    Anything larger than a closet when combined with HID's weather they are 6's 1000's etc... Need larger, but for a 400, in a small (and i mean small) a 5k btu should work. I have a 5x5 with a 1000 watt, and should have bought a much larger AC, the 5kbtu does very little when combating serious heat.