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  1. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    IMAGINE all of your justified arguments... if every condom you wore, was shit, and you fathered a child from every piece of ass you got in your life... give me a break! every time you had sex, new baby... imagine it for a second, if it hasn't happened to you and imagine how many fucktards you...
  2. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    As an animal of this planet weather you guys want to agree or not, men are not parents. we are simply here to fuck poon, and move the fuck on. pretending to be civilized is not getting you into heaven. lol
  3. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    i would love to have a kid with my gf... hence.. gf... not just random slut... hence why she is called cunt. lol that kid i would love, right away, cause it was made from love, not sadness, and depression.
  4. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    there is always move out of country, good luck garnishing taxed wages from another thug gang aka country... lol
  5. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    when you consent to sex, your not consenting to be a father, your just consenting to sex. otherwise all of us would have 5000 fucking kids dude...
  6. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    in all honesty i wish i could abandon them all. as the selfish human i am, but it goes against my brain washed society compass. my life was fucked upi know i have to break the chain, but the funny thing is both my mom, and my kids mom, had fathers they stayed with... all i ever saw fatherhood as...
  7. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    LMFAO, dude its the truth... you know why? the gov aid, the mandatory RANSOM on men to pay child support and ebt... if women had none of these crutches, there would not be so many welfare sluts, and they would defiantly consider there fucking options or take birth control like all of us men...
  8. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    Real men dont call themselves "fathers" we call ourselves MEN. Women cling onto motherhood like a disease.
  9. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    so do i... I feel like riu men are the only ones that could possibly understand, my own woman can't possibly fathom it since she herself has been a single mom much of her life. I don't even care what women think, just men... cause shit is totally not in our favor. example courts still put...
  10. TheSnake

    Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)

    What are some of your stories, Mine is pretty fucking shitty, I'll share. Before that I'll tell you my thoughts of forced parenthood, and how i have precived father's in my life. I look at it like this, women have birth control pill's and shots, they have abortions, and also adoption, all...
  11. TheSnake

    How much weed did you have to smoke vefore you started sitting at small bowls?

    how much weed does it take to form a question i understand? lol , what?
  12. TheSnake


    lmfao, hope he learned not to pull out infront of people in shit conditions.
  13. TheSnake


    ^ also note, im appalled at the thought of cheating, and dont masturbate often, and im a faithful mate with a healthy sex life.
  14. TheSnake


    I don't know why but every woman i see, i imagine sex with briefly. Even sometimes family, its weird, like my subconscious thinks of shit my conscious mind is sickened by... Makes me wonder how much control i really have over my mind, and i often times think of horrible things, and other times i...
  15. TheSnake

    Super Lemon Haze Harvest Video

    A fluffy gallon zip was full for me at a qp... so if u can imagine how many gallon zips = bam
  16. TheSnake

    Super Lemon Haze Harvest Video

    if i grasped the size of that correct, i would say 5 - 10 pounds? maybe more.
  17. TheSnake

    Kids growing up too fast !

    what the fuck... they say money cant buy happiness, but it can buy freedom.
  18. TheSnake

    Remember when weed used to be illegal?

    Ill say yep... how u think i paid your damn mom child support... lmfao
  19. TheSnake

    Caption This

    "non goat fucking zone"
  20. TheSnake

    cloning a Christmas tree?

    Wanna try it, assuming i can throw a cutting in phed water in the veg room, keep it wet and wait for roots. frasier fir is the type im going to try, can this be done or is it a waste of time?