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  1. TheSnake

    Private Investigator

    sounds more like a stalker than a fucking PI... Glad hes gone... for now at least.
  2. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    good times im sure!
  3. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    Maybe a rich poster can make a man made island we can name "roll it up island", and come and go as we please. hahaha
  4. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    The real life hangover times a million times over. If everyone in the casino busted out there joints at the same time, It would be fucking EPIC.
  5. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    LMFAO! Yeah, being an attractive female would cause way more attention drawn to you. I like looking like a average guy, helps me slip through cracks. lol
  6. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    I know that feeling well... It does suck major ass.
  7. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    Lol! Have not seen the topic around, but I've only been floating around for 4 months or so. Hell, it would be worth a trip to cali for me, never been there anyways.
  8. TheSnake

    greetings fellow tokers!

    This site is actually on quite a few marijuana documentary's, and it mentioned a bit, I think racerboy was actually on one not too long ago, as they were showing snap shots of ganja grow sites? lol
  9. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    I wonder how many Mary Jane friendly celebrities, have accounts on here. Perhaps even grow themselves? They have to do something, to be able to talk to people like the rest of us do... Without cameras and annoying mother fuckers.
  10. TheSnake

    There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!

    I mean, the relationships online that we all form together, should be able to have faces to go with screen names. Now only to ponder a lawless place to meet, hmmm... Perhaps a cruise line would be able to accommodate all of us "criminal" folk... Lmfao! I doubt any of you are what the average...
  11. TheSnake

    greetings fellow tokers!

    Welcome home, this place will be your home away from home quickly. These people, your adopted family. :)
  12. TheSnake

    Private Investigator

    Strangers loitering is just plain annoying, and makes people feel un easy, unless its a bar. Job or not lol. Insurance company if i had to guess now after reading others posts, hes too low budget and billy-bob appearing to be on a substantial case. Cause if that were the fact, you would have...
  13. TheSnake

    Gta v

    lmfao... and maybe a "repeat mode" like all of a sudden the game time slows to a crawl, and you drive a few blocks and all of a sudden your in the same spot you were ten seconds ago... would be kinda trippy. hahaha
  14. TheSnake

    Which is worse for weight loss, alcohol or weed?

    I'm supposed to be getting a new job in a day or so, and plan on trying to curb my heavy drinking (certainly causing weight gain with so many calories of nothingness and sugar) entirely with more frequent cannabis use. As for bad side effects (alcohol makes me pretty damn depressed causes me to...
  15. TheSnake

    U.S. allows states to legalize recreational marijuana within limits

    Looks like we all need to keep our skills up to par to combat the following waves of legal growers that will be poping up. LOL. At the end of the day, its price and quality that sell bud. Best price and quality will always prosper. Legal or not.
  16. TheSnake

    Gta v

    No doubt revolutionary as well. I don't see how it could possibly flop... 8 years since the last one, and mass fuckers working on it.
  17. TheSnake

    New outside grow, problem :/

    I know its a bitch, I'm FL too... Keeping indoor temps down is fucking HELL on the wallet. Even indoors it's a problem for me too. This winter will be great though.
  18. TheSnake

    Gta v

    In one add i see a medical mary shop the black dude is walking out of, wonder if you can get baked as fuck and try to drive, like you could get drunk and drive in gta 4 lmfao Don't know how they would even go about engineering that one, honestly.
  19. TheSnake

    Private Investigator

    Dangerous biz... Ghetto mofo's selling crack don't make payments and you gotta roll up jack it up and take off hoping someone does not open up an ak on your ass. Shit, sounds kinda fun. lol
  20. TheSnake

    Private Investigator

    If he is there, it is not about a grow op... Undercover 5-0 or a CI would be doing that. 99% sure... Unless it is that someone paid him to get dirt on someone, possibly a spouse, etc. See which area he is watching... Often times its the backward area they watch... Head rests block view of...