Search results

  1. TheSnake

    1st Grow Op - Looking to start fairly big. Need help

    Not to mention this could never be thought of as personal, So if its about moving weight... You'll need to get connected with a sizable trafficking source with an army of dealers. If harvested at once, you could be looking at over 22 kilo's or more, if you know your shit... That is not even...
  2. TheSnake

    1st Grow Op - Looking to start fairly big. Need help

    They will need to install massive amounts of power to the building im sure, get the right combination of heat and cold which is $$$$$$$$$$$. A grow that large, I know money wise is better in one large building, but you would be better off making 4 different locations with 10,000 watt grows...
  3. TheSnake

    All of you new growers looking into going HID, BE WARNED of digital ballasts!

    Even with top dollar unit's, people continuously have issues. As far as I have read, The companies making the ballasts just don't give a shit, and are saying "well... fuck the FCC" lol. But no matter to them, they are not the ones operating the units... we are.
  4. TheSnake

    All of you new growers looking into going HID, BE WARNED of digital ballasts! It's all over the...
  5. TheSnake

    One switch shuts off all electricity

    I agree with old dude, don't fuck around with it, if your not sure... get help. If anything running a double 20, or two double twenty's will cost ya like 100 bucks, if the location of grow is within 25 feet. The high rating chord is expensive (about a dollar a foot for 12/3), so i would put the...
  6. TheSnake

    Clones from feminized plants?

    Only thing im aware of that does NOT clone, is autos.
  7. TheSnake

    1st Grow Op - Looking to start fairly big. Need help

    You do know that simply buying 42 lights, is only the start... The heat from all that, is going to make your face melt if its not properly cooled, I sure as fuck would not want that electric bill. Also, say you do cool things off, and have 8 plants under each light... that is 336 plants to tend...
  8. TheSnake

    1st Grow Op - Looking to start fairly big. Need help

    now that i think about it, if that was in a residential area, it would basically be like a shitty EMP going off for a block or two lmfao.
  9. TheSnake

    1st Grow Op - Looking to start fairly big. Need help

    Due to my new found headache, I suggest against using digital ballasts, especially if your getting 42. The RF from 42 poorly shielded ballasts will have the FCC on your ass in no time flat.
  10. TheSnake

    Unknown dank, new perp organic grow

    Looking good, what kinda hardware you running?
  11. TheSnake

    Zimmerman visits Keltec...

    If your public enemy like him, and want to deter people from attacking you... Why not advertise "me and everything i love is a fucking fortress, good luck, fuckers!" Maybe not the best thing to do, to not stir up, but defiantly, the more intimidating he can make himself, the longer he will live...
  12. TheSnake

    One switch shuts off all electricity

    Run a line... Is your breaker box down there? Im guessing it is, how much equipment are you going to be running and how far is the electric box from your grow space? It should have abundant dedicated power anyways (to be safe). What type of lights are they as well...
  13. TheSnake

    Magnetic or digital, RF interference, etc. Pro's and Con's...

    I know your pro digital, but will switching to a magnetic fix this issue? I tested with the AM radio, and when i cut my ipower on the station that was clear as day, like 8 feet away instantly frizzled to absolute shit! I tested cfl's and well... about 500 watts of them running at the same time...
  14. TheSnake

    All of you new growers looking into going HID, BE WARNED of digital ballasts!

    Using a digital can appeal to the power savings, less noise, ability to dim, smaller box, and cooler running temps... BUT be warned, you might be broadcasting radio signals to the world, from your grow rooms! This can cause attention from your respective cable company, even the FCC! Your single...
  15. TheSnake

    They got me. .. :(

    Cops can have all the paraphernalia they want in your name being sent to someplace, yet if they have no clue were the grow is, your still good. Place another order with a different company? Sorry man...
  16. TheSnake

    They got me. .. :(

    Use a PO box, and dont have your license or any mail in your name anything that a cop can find easy to get the address of grow correct? Probably would not put in effort to do that anyways, but grow someplace that is not paper trailed to your name for this reason.
  17. TheSnake

    Magnetic or digital, RF interference, etc. Pro's and Con's...

    If they smelt fish, they did a good job of keeping a very smooth demeanor, as did I... Maybe that was really the problem, but if your parachute had two possible problems, would you not want to be 100% sure that BOTH were fixed? lol
  18. TheSnake

    Magnetic or digital, RF interference, etc. Pro's and Con's...

    I did say that... But in this brain of mine, I'm thinking if they have any clue, or where up to no good, they would of course tell me it was the tv, just so i keep doing what i was doing, only later to get caught. Lol, So as always, precautions.
  19. TheSnake

    Magnetic or digital, RF interference, etc. Pro's and Con's...

    Do magnetic's make the same RF that these digital's do? I turned my am radio station on, plugged in digital and my radio almost grew legs , said "fuck this" and walked away. Horrible RF, no wonder so many have issues with cable companies. (myself included) For obvious reasons, I'll assume all...
  20. TheSnake

    Oh shit rf interference cable shit!!!

    Can someone tell me how if i put an additional breaker, ran 12/3 to my double 20 amp box and because my fingers are large and i thought it was a pain in the ass, and did not ground inside the box and kinda left em floating twisted toward the metal box it may cause interference i read? If that...