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  1. J

    Small...Grow Closet...But okay bud income?

    What are the airstones for , never heard about that ? How much plants do you grow in your system?? I think the size is going to be okay, Im growing White widow and im going to keep em short and concentrate on buddin'!
  2. J

    Small...Grow Closet...But okay bud income?

    nevermind i heard grow tents plastic material kill plants.
  3. J

    Small...Grow Closet...But okay bud income?

    No worries when i was a kid i used to live outside the city and we had a garden... I pretty much have green thumbs. But with the reading and everything hydro seems far more easy and appropriate for an appartment. I have a rather big basement though... BUt its far from livable in there, its...
  4. J

    Small...Grow Closet...But okay bud income?

    Alright here's the deal: i have an 27x21x76inch Closet and i would like to start a first hydroponic system in there. I was thinking of putting the clones and mom on the top shelf And space to grow at least 4 plants ( kinda doing a mini sea of green if you know what i mean ) Thing is i...