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  1. WeedGrows

    Will mold on Rockwool kill my efforts?

    How diluted? I've read that vinegar is a natural way to kill mold. And as vinegar will lower the pH of the water, and my tap is 7.25 I have been using apple cider vinegar in the water. But I can only put so much in the mix because I don't want the pH dropping below 6.2, and so far it doesn't...
  2. WeedGrows

    Anyone ever experience Springtails?!?!?!

    There are over 8000 species of springtails in the world, so they can be hard to ID sometimes. Most of them have a "spring" under their belly, and they use it to jump, watch for that. Springtails will not eat your live plant unless maybe there is nothing else for them to eat. They feed on...
  3. WeedGrows

    Hola ladies and gents!

    New here at rollitup, thought I'd start here by saying howdy!
  4. WeedGrows

    Magnesium deficiency? other nute burn? HELP!! Royal Dwarf

    All my leaves are looking like picture 5. I flushed, the Ph was around 6.5-7. Hasn't shown any sign of improvement, in fact the remaining healthy leaves are still slowly turning. Starts at the tips, curls them up... My lower leaves are yellow, and I don't have many brown spots (a couple per...