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  1. Bong...James Bong

    Ask Questions Here

    its basically just perlite as my medium, its kind of a hand fed hydro i guess. its this system could i maybe get some soil or something and just mix it in and still use this system so i dont have to water as often...
  2. Bong...James Bong

    Ask Questions Here

    Hey chaoticmetal, i like this thread...real philanthropist. So im doing my first grow using 100% perlite in a hempy bucket and i just had a couple of seeds germinate in a wet towel. how often should i water the sprouted seeds after i stick them in the perlite? i had one die on me, i think...
  3. Bong...James Bong

    Light Question

    well, i can raise the light hight the full height is almost 7 feet, i just have it low for now cus my plants are still babies
  4. Bong...James Bong

    Light Question

    cool, also one more question sorry...i have a 2x2x4 grow space, anyone think a 250 watt mh bulb is alright?
  5. Bong...James Bong

    Light Question

    anyone know if its bad to switch between HPS and MH when the plants like 2 weeks old, say, if youve been having trouble with your mh bulb and have to sub it with and hps and then go back to mh
  6. Bong...James Bong

    Ask Questions Here

    i got a question, is it bad to switch light types mid grow? I have a baby going right now and had a couple problems with my MH bulb, so ive been going between MH and cfl and hps. now its on my hps and im planning on switching back to MH once i get a new bulb. Keep in mind its only like 1-2...
  7. Bong...James Bong

    The Hempy Collective

    cool thanks, thats what i hoped, i was just worried cus it doesnt look like the perlite holds water as well as soil. and dont i want to wait about 2 weeks before i start feeding them, i heard any time before thats not good
  8. Bong...James Bong

    The Hempy Collective

    Hey all this stuff looks awesome...I'm a first timer here and im using the hempy bucket cus its just so cool. I have a question that i hope wasnt answered already, i read this whole thread all the way through a while ago and i just cant remember. But i just moved my little sprouts from the wet...
  9. Bong...James Bong

    Please set me straight - HID lights

    makes sense... actually the one i just went to had a 400w hps bulb, but all the ballasts that they had (at least that i saw) were for floros. and wait mh and hps need different ballasts??!?! i've been between getting all the stuff i need myself from home depot or something and just putting...
  10. Bong...James Bong

    Please set me straight - HID lights

    So I've been reading around this site alot too recently...I want to start my first grow this summer, just something simple probly like 2-4 plants just a closet grow. And I'm having a pretty big personal struggle with choosing lights. I know i want hps for flowering, not sure if i want to use...
  11. Bong...James Bong

    How many plants

    awesome thanks, and I have looked at craigslist, not too much of that good stuff here where i live, i guess i'll have to try that kijiji, never heard of it.
  12. Bong...James Bong

    How many plants

    quick question, is it alright to use hps all the way(for veg and flowering) or is that no good, i know it might sound like a dumb question but im new to this wonderful utopia of a place. also does anyone know where you can find good inexpensive hps fixtures and bulbs?
  13. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    ha thanks i like the picture. So if i were to get one of the other two lights just one would do it? and im guessing at a pretty good distance above the plants.
  14. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    and yeah im pretty sure that was sarcastic dabu
  15. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    i read that you have to switch between MH and HPS depending on what stage the plants are you tho (i forget what they're called, growing and flowering i guess) and cfls are good for both. or does it really not matter? plus cant you get the cfls closer to the plants?
  16. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    awesome, cfls look like the way to go, thanks
  17. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    aright thanks, i guess i gotta go read some more, or at least let someone do my girlfriend for some info
  18. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    Which kind of lights would be best to use overall? ive heard cfl's are really good and MH lights, but MH put out alot of heat and so do HPS. Would a fan be enough in a closet to not overheat the plants?
  19. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    Dont get me wrong, ive read around, i got a pretty good gist of what you have to do. Im not trying to be lazy here, i just wanna grow some closet pot for myself without all the frills i keep seeing everyone talk about. i mean i still wanna grow some good stuff but without spending over like...
  20. Bong...James Bong

    First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

    Ok so i know there are probably a million of these threads on this site asking for info on how to start doing the same thing. I dont feel like wandering around a million different forums tho looking for all the pieces to growing and putting them together. I just wanna know what...