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  1. G

    How difficult is hydro?

    Sounds like you've got it all figured out then. Good growing to you
  2. G

    How difficult is hydro?

    Better too many than too few. You can remove plants or chop off bits if you need to but you can't add more plants to fill out your canopy once it's going. I ran a few with too few plants for the available light but that's a mistake I plan never to repeat. Seeds are relatively cheap. So...
  3. G

    How difficult is hydro?

    Pretty similar. If so, then DWC should be a no brainer for you. Try it out and see how much better it is for yourself. It's cheap To find out.
  4. G

    How difficult is hydro?

    Hydro is basically "just growing soilless". Hydro is: Neutral Growing media with a Nutrient solution constantly available or available on a fined schedule. If you want something more complicated, there are lots of options. But this is the simplest. You have to treat it JUST like...
  5. G

    How difficult is hydro?

    Use coco in hempy buckets and it's full-on hydroponic. It is also dead simple and effective. I used general hydroponics aeroflo18 for over a year and ditched it for hempy buckets. These were the main colas in a couple Mephisto autos. 75 days from seed.
  6. G

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    I'm loving some Mephisto genetics. Grew some for the first time in my last grow and it was amazingly good smoke (sour crack). I started these two Toofless aliens 60 days ago. They have two weeks left to finish fattening up and they're already beasts. 41 inches and 29 inches respectively.
  7. G

    Aeroflo2 users with experience

    Don't know. I've never run 1000w HPS. Probably ballpark.
  8. G

    Aeroflo2 users with experience

    1-2 oz per plant. 2 solar storm 440's net me around a pound in 75 days running half the sites.
  9. G

    Aeroflo2 users with experience

    The high pressure creates a fine mist inside the tubes. It works great. I've been running an aerofloo-18 for a year, now.
  10. G

    crop king seeds

    I know that during flowering the northern lights and white widow seemed quite happy while the purple Kush got a terrible case of canoeing. It was clawing something awful. Good that yours aren't. I don't consider it a bad thing if a strain is mute-sensitive. It's just a good thing to...
  11. G

    crop king seeds

    I use a GH aeroflo-18 hydro unit. I've grown out cropking northern lights auto, white widow and purple kush. I have had 100% germination, growing out 10 Northern lights, 3 white widows and three purple kush. The northern lights have been no problem an produced very good smoke but not a...