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  1. M

    The wierdest little plant.

    how does it look over watered? there is nothing there
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    Maine growers thread!

    worst thread ever /thread
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    indica or sativa?(pic)

    why cant people find the middle of their pots?
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    How look my babies

    why were you doing 12/12s for the first 2 weeks? you dont need more lights just need to be closer then the 40 inches (wasting that expensive 400w hps lol). you may be able to slavage the grow. just set your lights on a timer for 18/6 OR 24. dont jump back and forth. choose a day/night cycle...
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    cool white cfl

    warm is better. but i dont see any reason why you couldnt. just dont expect too much out of it.
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    How look my babies

    he says hes using a 400w hps. which is over kill imo for seedlings. 24 inches is kinda far but im not going to try to venture a guess as to how close to put it. i dont want to be responsible for killing them lol. also the soil looks kinda dry.
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    How look my babies

    looking kinda small for 30 days.
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    Barney's Farm G13 Haze

    ditch your aluminum foil.
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    Beer is a growers friend... in more ways than one

    i started adding beer last week to one of my girls and my god is she exploding
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    AN Piranha & Tarantula

    go to their website and look for a feeding schedule
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    Closet setup Diesel / Kush - pics

    dont quote me on this. but it looks like you may have a minor case of zinc deficiency. your ph levels may be too high and its not able to absorb the zinc thats in the soil. bring the ph back down and you should be good.
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    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    Its looking like i have a case of minor nute burn and too high of ph causing zinc deficiency
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    resin/residue/tar question...

    well since you can collect the resin out of your bowl and smoke it (like i do when i REALLY need to) and get high then yes it has THC in it. And yes if you smoked it before your UA then yes you need to clean yourself out again or your boned lol. did that answer your question?
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    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    looks like a hermie
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    1st grow leaf question

    k ill see what i can do
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    Banana Method?!?

    intersting. im gonna have to give this a try.
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    Better-Gro Orchid food

    Has anyone ever tried using this or something similar? Sun Bulb
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    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    This is my first grow and so far its going quite successfully. except one thing. I dont know if i should be worrying about it or not. I noticed that the newer bigger leaves are all starting to have a dry looking texture. I know its not under watered and i know its not too hot. the other thing is...
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    1st grow leaf question

    This is my first grow and so far its going quite successfully. except one thing. I dont know if i should be worrying about it or not. I noticed that the newer bigger leaves are all starting to have a dry looking texture. I know its not under watered and i know its not too hot. the other...
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    Leaf color

    Im talking the individual leaves themselves. They are darker near the veins and lighter towards the edges.