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  1. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Just thinking if its better to invest in hood or new 6'' or 8'' fan. What do you guys think?
  2. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    If I will use 6'' air cooled hood can I use my 4" duct pipe? or have to buy different duct ?
  3. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Im checking the temp at the bottom of the tent in the corners and also in the pot, obviously in the pot on direct light temp is higher, should I check top of thw tent as well ? Above the light yeah?
  4. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    House is around 26c. After moving the tent temp went down from 39-40 to 35c. So first I was trying to blow cold air inside the tent with 1 fan that I got but this morning Im switched to sucking from the top and will see if temp will change. What is the most important thing to buy next? Next...
  5. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    I only have 4inch fan at the moment, so I moved tent to the room when I sleep so it is by the window. Fan is standing next to window and blowing cold air in at the bottom of the tent through duct pipe. What should be my next step? Do I have to buy next fan but bigger size ? Or invest in...
  6. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Hi! Have you got any pictures of how is your tent looking inside all setup and outside?
  7. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Hi guys Do you think that this air conditioner will be enough? Click here On Very I can buy now pay later, i am trying everything but just not to move the tent. Thanks for help
  8. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Yes but this will only be useful for first few weeks, then I will still have to deal with temp when I switch to hps
  9. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Make sense now. I understand now haha Appreciate all replies
  10. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Currently I am having them on in the day time. 18/6. working from6:00 - 24:00 . Is it possible to switch light cycle if they are still young?
  11. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    I appreciate this guys, I will do it today and let you know
  12. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    what would be the best way to setup carbon filter and fan? I have seen too many options not sure which one will work the best. Can someone explain? Sorry guys for too many questions, one day I will be helping someone like me haha
  13. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Do you think that moving it to a larger room wwhere window can be opened during the day will be good ? I can afford to buy some more setup next month but it will be too late.
  14. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Yes it is and I think it will not be a good option to cut a hole mate. Flat is not mine so will be hard. So there will be no way to get temp down if carbon filter and fans will be in the same room ?
  15. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Not really, will cost to much to buy mate and to run.
  16. Adriaanoo

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Hi Guys! I hope that I can get some help in my first grow. I bought my grow setup with following inside: - 1.2x1.2x2m tent - Carbon filter fan kit 4'' - 4 breathable 16L root nurse pots - 600w Lumii Black Light kit - Canna coco natural - Canna a+b I have already planted 4 seeds, 2x...