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  1. dancingmaddog

    New Grow With Friendly Help

    unlucky chap but look on the bright side u got sum lill uns to look after:leaf:
  2. dancingmaddog

    New Grow With Friendly Help

    HMMMM, that's not wot i heard westy rofl:fire:
  3. dancingmaddog

    And now for something completely different

    not got a fan for the place they're in at the mo but i turn them every day
  4. dancingmaddog

    Widow X psycosis

    oh yeah, i'm using compost from the local garden centre, i havent been growing for long n was all i could afford :)
  5. dancingmaddog

    Widow X psycosis

    i already have J,only put them in today tho
  6. dancingmaddog

    And now for something completely different

    I put some W Widow bag seeds in and they've broken ground nicely so here's a pic, more to come soon:bigjoint:
  7. dancingmaddog

    Widow X psycosis

    here's some pics of some White Widow Psycosis cross that were donated by a friend that have recently broke ground fingers crossed theye're all girls:-P:leaf:. Will try and keep up to date with the pics :bigjoint::fire::weed:
  8. dancingmaddog

    my plant's stopped drinking

    Jerry>>>>> i check every day or so n it didn't look like it was drinkin, seems better now tho, mabe was my mind playin tricks on me lol
  9. dancingmaddog

    my plant's stopped drinking

    i water it every other dayish or wen the pot's lite dude
  10. dancingmaddog

    my plant's stopped drinking

    My plant's stopped drinking and one of the branches is droopin:sad: the rest of the plant seems ok tho
  11. dancingmaddog

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    OMG, lost for words:bigjoint: well done Westy
  12. dancingmaddog


    nice 1 moler, dint think about that :bigjoint:
  13. dancingmaddog


    OMG!!! went to check my widow just now n as i turned the pot i heared a crack:wall:, as i looked towards the bottom o the plant one of the bottom branches started to split fron the 'trunk'???WTF. have taped it up now tho n while i was at it i taped up the other branches that were near the...
  14. dancingmaddog


    Can you spot the mistake with this plant? Wot a clumsy.........:wall:
  15. dancingmaddog


    no worries there dude, there's always some one smokin naff weed in the house:dunce: (i live in bedsit land) so that masks the smell a bit n i burn incents most of the time so alls good me finks. fanx fer the concern tho dude:-P :bigjoint: :fire:
  16. dancingmaddog


    P.S am cracking some White Widow Psycosis donated by Mr West (from his own cross i think) so will put pics up as soon as there's sumat to post. happy smokin :bigjoint:
  17. dancingmaddog


    Here's some pics of my widow flowers, sorry about quality:sad: , more to come at later date:leaf::bigjoint:
  18. dancingmaddog

    little advese please

    fanx dude, will get some soon
  19. dancingmaddog

    little advese please

    I'm in need of a little bit of advise, can anyone sugest how i can improve bud growth, i'm usin an organic fruit concentrate from B&Q on a rotation with guano. Any sugestions? all advise much apreciated
  20. dancingmaddog

    update on the lill lady

    I'm in need of a little bit of advise, can anyone sugest how i can improve bud growth, i'm usin an organic fruit concentrate from B&Q on a rotation with guano. Any sugestions? all advise much apreciated