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  1. Tym

    Mother plants

    Don't top them unless it's for a clone.. If you take your clones from the right spots, you will be topping every branch at least once. Take your clones from branches that have enough nodes so you can leave a node or two, effectively topping that branch, giving you 2 more.. The main problem will...
  2. Tym

    I have hated animals my entire life. Until last night.

    Cats are awesome. I would get a tiger tabby. Or a Siamese. Siamese are quite vocal, so if you don't want a cat that meows at you all the time, don't get a Siamese. But they are VERY different from most cats, they have a great attitude and are VERY loving, more so than most cats. Tiger tabbies...
  3. Tym

    Does anyone else do this?

    link to my cloning box :) Just finished building and stocking.
  4. Tym

    Veg Cab Project. Work in progress.

    Update, Cabinet is done and running.. made some clones today, that's why they are still droopy :) The small tub on the left with 2 netpots, one is for the mama plant (the best of the clones will be the mama) and the other is for a clone that is about to go in to flower. The mama will have one...
  5. Tym

    Veg Cab Project. Work in progress.

    I think that's only if you're vegging and flowering under the same lights.. With veg, all you need is 6500k's.. Posting update soon.. Taking pics right now.
  6. Tym

    i just returned a year old light bulb for $$$

    Such a caper? Lol I make more than $13 in the half an hour it would have taken to go there, pull the "caper" and go home.. My time alone is worth more than $13. My pride is worth more than $13, and to me sticking to my moral values is worth more than $13.. I like how you are all "It was so...
  7. Tym

    Does anyone else do this?

    Hehe yeah, doesn't hurt it, I've been doing it for years.. Usually I would add it to my 5 gallon water jug that I used for watering when I did the soil thing.. But now I'm in DWC, all DWC even the clones. So I just toss it in the cloning res..
  8. Tym

    Why Science is Failing Us

    That's stretching.. Science isn't failing us, some people are failing at science. We do the best with what we have, sometimes some people fuck up.. Science is not failing at anything.
  9. Tym

    Does anyone else do this?

    I'm just wondering.. I saw my buddy throw his left over cloning gel and it got me to thinking.. I always pour a little gen into a shot glass and dip the cuttings in there.. So I don't activate or contaminate the entire bottle of gel.. I'm going strictly DWC now, but even before I did, I did...
  10. Tym

    Help !!!! Tops Burning

  11. Tym

    Veg Cab Project. Work in progress.

    I've got this sweet cabinet, a buddy of mine got it from his work, they were going to throw it out.. So far I've mylared the walls and inner door, installed an exhaust fan, made a reflector, installed 4 x 23w 6500k CFL's, I've wired in a power converter, and tomorow I'm going to install the...
  12. Tym

    Brown Spots and yellow leaves help please

    Don't pick the leaves off unless they are getting in the way of bud production.. Some yellowing of the leaves is natural during flowering, but it could also be nutrient burn. A little more information on your setup? Dirt? hydro? what nutes? what amounts? What light? What PH? What temperature...
  13. Tym

    The Germination Rate Report Thread

    Cash crop ken's Nuken 5 for 5
  14. Tym

    Best Vaporizer for $150

    I'm looking to get a portable vape, Maybe an iolite.. Any suggestions?
  15. Tym

    CFL's and what ones to buy

    Oh BTW, you live on Ganymede? That's cool, I live on Titan.. :)
  16. Tym

    CFL's and what ones to buy

    Hey man! that's pretty good for CFL's.. Props!
  17. Tym

    CFL's and what ones to buy

    If you have the entire closet to work with, I would look in to getting a 400w HPS magnetic ballast. They are cheep all day long in craigslist. I see them going for $30 - $40.. Sometimes already wired with mougal and a reflector.. If you spend $15 per CFL, And you want an optimal set up of 5...
  18. Tym

    CFL's and what ones to buy

    They do give off heat.. Just not as much.. Also they don't put out the same lumens. But If your restricted by cash flow, the are about your only option.. Get the highest wattage you can find/afford. 6500k for veg 2700k for flower.. Just get half and half, or get 4 - 5 6500k's for veg, and then...
  19. Tym

    when should i start flowering

    Yeah man, you usually get what you give :) The better you treat your plants. The more they will give you. :) I'm about to flip mine to flower too.. I'm building a kick ass grow box, I just need to buy some lights and install the fans, then I'm cloning the nuken I'm veggin now, then I'm gonna...
  20. Tym

    when should i start flowering

    Yeah, sometimes more than double :)