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  1. Tym

    Vertical or Horizontal? Newbie needs help.

    As for when it's done.. Get a magnifying glass.. When the trichomes are 1/3 amber, it's time..
  2. Tym

    Want to grow outdoors in forrest...Please help..Water supply?

    You can use many things to haul water, just use a backpack and find the biggest water jug that can fit in it. You can use water bags, if the water isn't so far away. You can use a bunch of 2L water bottles. If you're talking just a few plants, you're talking a just a few gallons.. You can also...
  3. Tym

    My first grow just would like to know how far i am to buds?

    A couple months.. And it doesn't look like you'll get much.
  4. Tym

    security for posting pics

    The best way to make sure you don't get in trouble for posting pics... Is living somewhere where you're allowed to grow.. Or if you can get a permit. I have nothing to worry about.
  5. Tym

    Will Any Of This Work?

    Yes it will work, but you won't get much and it'll be fluffy.
  6. Tym

    Help! I dont want sally to die.

    Good plan man. Let us know any updates.. It's great to have follow up posts just in case other people have the same problems.. Happy Growing!
  7. Tym

    She topped herself?

    That's weird as shit dude.. Never seen that before. I wonder if your strain is somehow fucked? 1 out of 3 isn't that great..
  8. Tym

    Can you smoke the leaf

    You sure can, but you can also smoke dog hair and dried lawn clippings..
  9. Tym

    So what did you get

    Lol as usual, I spent $600, and received about $250 in stuff back :) Gotta love Christmas! Got a kickass guitar pedal case, coffin case, The lid comes off and is a pedal board. And a Milkbox compressor pedal, From my friends. An ultralight cook set (Pot, bowls and spork) for my ultralight...
  10. Tym

    funny videos
  11. Tym

    Rock and a hard place. Advice needed!

    Option B. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right. If you have to, build a little veg cabinet and go with option A while you wait for your mom's to grow up. I think buds is on to something..
  12. Tym

    Help! I dont want sally to die.

    I wouldn't listen to him, they are worth keeping alive if you can. From what I can see it might be nute lock out due to the PH. It will only take in certain nutes, and reject others.. I would just water straight PHed water for 2 - 3 weeks. My guess is there is enough nutrients in the soil right now.
  13. Tym

    First time indoor grower...please read and comment!!

    If you own the house. put down some polly and pour some cement..
  14. Tym

    need halp withknowing when to harvest !!!

    Good pics would help. But the best way known is to look at the trichomes under magnification.. when 1/3 of them are amber it's time..
  15. Tym

    question about hps and mh lamps

    I just got my ballast from a local hydro shop. A 400w Magnetic HPS ballast.. Any Magnetic HPS ballast will also run a MH..
  16. Tym

    Plant not thirsty?

    Nothing to worry about, if it's still alive it's still fine.. Just keep doing what your doing, check the soil moisture, watch the plant, when it needs more water, give it some..
  17. Tym

    question about hps and mh lamps

    Yeah, they will do fine. If you have a buddy that works at a warehouse, just get him to grab you one.. Most warehouse lighting is 400w MH.
  18. Tym

    How To Launder My Money?

    Bob's your uncle is a saying.. I'm sure you know that though, no idea where the fuck it came from.. Hehe.. The "safe route" is how you launder money.. Laundering means giving the government your share so you can legally have the rest.. If you don't, it's not clean money. It doesn't matter how...
  19. Tym

    Strechy small Buds

    Pics would be good. I wouldn't bother lolipoping them if they are close to being done. If the main colas are doing good, don't worry about the fluffy little buds, let them be.. If you want the little fluffy buds to be bigger, you need more light.. Some people like to supplement with CFL's, just...