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  1. Kphlash

    Veganic Soil Mixtures, Vegan Manures, Tips, Tricks, and more-

    Ok, so i know Matt Rize has his long thread of all sorts of information for veganic gardening. My problem with it, is not his information, but the amounts of posts in between make it difficult to find the information. I stumbled on this site looking for more ideas for my new super soil...
  2. Kphlash

    Recent Denver Acquisitions

    Gotcha, DTC is denver tech center, its a nice newer area, lots of planned neighborhoods that are close to nice shopping centers. like a mid-class cherry creek lol. I love the springs, but its a little boring for me. We drive there on day trips and stuff, bout 1hr so lil more from DTC.
  3. Kphlash

    Anyone get their MJ tested? Looking for the top strain.

    bah, maybe i should post this in medical section. I guess nobody here knows what they got.
  4. Kphlash

    Fan Blowing On Buds??

    I didnt say to have huge swings, i have less than a 10 degree difference in my nights and days, 15 is ok but heavy swings are bad, plants like consistency-and they will stop budding until temps are more to their liking. But for flowering-they like it colder-its fall in nature-its colder than 70...
  5. Kphlash

    Fan Blowing On Buds??

    I only mentioned water temps in case it was hydro and i missed it=didnt want him to freeze the roots. as far as room temps, above 85 they stop growing too...45 is my absolute low temp because it will keep the roots from being too cold... I know that they do this well for 2 reasons... OUTDOORS...
  6. Kphlash

    Fan Blowing On Buds??

    70 too low!?! bullshit! below 45degrees is just starting to get too low-unless you are in hydro, as long a roots and water stay around are recreating fall for them-if its an indica, it loves it between 45-60 (night-day), sativas are a little warmer, but i still keep mine at 55-70...
  7. Kphlash

    how important is curing for potency?

    lol bricktop always leaving the long end of a short answer. I was speaking more about the hippy way of rooting the plant and hanging it upside down whole so all the THC drips down into the ends of the buds-lol But yes-Brick top is right in the fact that wet bud does not have as much active THC...
  8. Kphlash

    Is something wrong? +rep

    anytime, its what we do :)
  9. Kphlash

    Recent Denver Acquisitions

    ya those buds are fire for $250/oz, been trying to get boss to that low, but we are at 300-350, so a lil more on weight, but quality is atleast as good-not to bash them-it looks great cept for the fact they sell it in baggies. The one u cant remember looks like a kush-possibly AK or pineapple...
  10. Kphlash

    how important is curing for potency?

    Im going to talk to my boss and see if he will let me get some of our herb tested over time to see if it gets better. Personally i think potency stops once the moisture is removed from the buds-basically once it is off the plant. How it is dried and the amount of chlorophyll that is able to...
  11. Kphlash

    plz help me to dry

    this was right till the bs at the end, CBDs and chlorophyll dont turn into THC, the chlorophyll evaporates, and CBDs are in the plant regardless, THC turns to CBN if you let it decompose by picking it later for a more stoney high. If you mean CBG then yes,partially, the acidic non psychoactive...
  12. Kphlash

    Ballast quick dry

    lol ya i dont like the ballast idea, but i do quickdry my bud by hanging it above the grow light in the grow room, i do this when i am drying the rest normally, this way the bud stays somewhat dark with some moisture from the stem and is done by end of day so i can test what my bud will be like...
  13. Kphlash

    COLD COLD COLD ---- Survival of the fittest

    Ya dude, no worries, Cold brings out nice colors, amsterdam grows outdoors and they have seriously cold falls. if its a sativa it will be slowed more so than an indica. I keep my indoor room like 65-70day and 45-50 night. so your outdoor temps are nice. sorry for the late reply, just popped up...
  14. Kphlash

    76.7'F... too cold?

    yep over 85 slows flowering usually- i missed this post-Im from FL and now im in CO, so ive grown in hot n humid now cold n dry, same nutes and same grow methods, it tends to be the plants and where they come from. also as long as the environment is consistent with nature, you should get good...
  15. Kphlash

    76.7'F... too cold?

    WW was created outdoors in amsterdam, it can deal with some cool weather in there. it doesnt really get much hotter in the hottest days in amsterdam. For seedlings and small veg, i would stay around 75-80, then drop it when as you lead to flowering. If you wanna have fun with it, look at what...
  16. Kphlash

    Soiless mix!!!

    SUNSHINE #4. its 100% soilless, complete peatmoss and perlite, great drainage, dont need to add anything into it. Promix is good too, im just partial, i like sunshines drainage better. they also have an organic version-works well. If you are doing hydro and are looking for a soilless mix, i...
  17. Kphlash

    HHHEEEELLLPP are these ready 2 flower???? lights go on soon need 2 know asap

    Its a learning process, and I'd rather you not blame me when it doesnt go right, all plants are different so a scheduled feeding is just a guidline. google "cannabis grow bible" and read the scribd version. great guide for beginners. and I use this site to diagnose any nute problems...
  18. Kphlash

    HHHEEEELLLPP are these ready 2 flower???? lights go on soon need 2 know asap

    I have no idea of what you have done so far, like last feeding, how much of what you used,etc. Is it just the full ionic line or do you have other stuff to add? lots of details i cant really determine for you-also thats the fun of growing, and the learning experience we all have to go through...
  19. Kphlash

    HHHEEEELLLPP are these ready 2 flower???? lights go on soon need 2 know asap

    ya next feeding will only need 1-2doses of grow 1/2 way through flowering.Some people flush when they go to flower, but personally id give them a heavy watering of fresh water right time and feed next watering. They have enough phosphorus to start the bloom from the grow fert, but you...
  20. Kphlash

    HHHEEEELLLPP are these ready 2 flower???? lights go on soon need 2 know asap

    ya, no more nitrogen till like week 4 in flower, then a lil bit and thats all they need. focus on phosphorus. It is most necessary during flowering. Most grow formulas are heavy in N, you need heavy in P with some decent K. you will also want a good bit of Potash midway into flowering. Im not...