Search results

  1. Kphlash

    colorado helicopters?

    Ya do it at your own risk, basically it applies with all the smoking rules, must be in a private location out of view and smell of the public in any way-basically reducing you to a greenhouse or indoors.The law doesn't exactly say indoors only, but most of us dont have the land to be able to...
  2. Kphlash

    Questions on the new Change of caregiver/address form

    ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! SoCO gets another +1 lol. There are now 5 boxes, self, MMC, caregiver, Self & MMC, Self & Caregiver. The last 2 means you have to have an agreement of who can grow how many. Lots of people are getting edible recs, and doing 12 plants instead of 6, but we do the same thing...
  3. Kphlash

    Jobs at dispensaries in Co?

    BINGO, this is 100% accurate and true +1 rep :) , but our lawyer said to only hire 2yr residents anyways just to be on the safe side. Im sure lots of places got the same advice to keep ahead of the new regulations... I work at a dispensary and i was extremely lucky to get my job, and EVERYONE...
  4. Kphlash

    Recent Denver Acquisitions

    Come and see us at ADG :) not too far south of the green mile. Not trying to advertise for us, I do most of the growing, and I have a big problem with some of the crap places sell. We arent very big and not very easy to find, but lots of strains in low 20%THC range-average prices, could be...
  5. Kphlash

    Considering getting a card

    Hey itchyandscratchy, sorry to hear about your situation. I work at ADG Herbal Medicine in Englewood. LoS3r and bshdctr are absolutely right-see your Dr. 1st then go to a MMJ Dr. if he wont help you (then find another real Dr. because he sucks if he wont help), but you dont NEED medical...
  6. Kphlash

    HELP general hydro 3 part series help

    1st off im not a GH fan in general-just gonna put that out to start To answer the 1st question on here "about 1 month into flower purp stems and dying leaves"- purp stems come from N,P,K, and Mg deficiency so u need more nutes more often, if i had to guess. Also if u flush after a month, then...
  7. Kphlash

    Brown Spots?

    Just the spots or any other issues? Are they mostly on the top leaves? If so, its Mn (Manganese) deficiency. It happens when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn and back down on the Mg a little
  8. Kphlash

    seedlings with tips browning dwc

    Ya, soak the hydroton next time. or soak some and transplant it if its still early enough. Its gonna be a pain in the butt till the hydroton stabilizes. If it isnt nute burn than it has to be from all the PH down you have been adding and the constant flux. They should recover fine. Live n Learn...
  9. Kphlash

    Calcium defeciency or pest problem or ??????

    Hmm almost looks like pests because there isnt any yellowing. Looks like it could be Mn deficiency or K deficiency. depends on if it is showing anything else - great site to help you out :)
  10. Kphlash

    1 day old transplanted clone not looking too good

    lol i guess i posted slow, busy with my plants at work and all :P ya u should have fixed it, but look into LST anyways, youll get more yield. :) happy growing. Ideal PH for soil is between 5.8 and 6.5 with ~.1 on either side. I usually stay around 6.0-6.4 but diff nutes are absorbed better at...
  11. Kphlash

    1 day old transplanted clone not looking too good

    Definite nute burn. I dont like FF soils because they have too many nutes for small clones to take in. Flush it pretty good asap(not till its clear runoff, but much more clear than it is.) just use PH balanced water, your ph is fine right now. then dont water it till it needs it again, usually...
  12. Kphlash

    Help! Sick cheese

    Also, if you tell or take a pic of what you are using, lights, exhaust, and what temp/humidity is, it can make this easier.
  13. Kphlash

    Help! Sick cheese

    Pics really blurry. Looks like same reason you have fruit flies though, too much moisture and not enough airflow or light at base. It could be nitrogen if it starts showing on more leaves, but with fruit flies too, seems like lack of light and air circulation. Put an osculating fan at base...
  14. Kphlash

    My new grow tent setup....Please help.

    :) ya I have to say even my worst days here are better than some of my better days at all of my other jobs. Its hard work and I put in 30-40hrs at the dispensary, and another 20-40 in the warehouse - ya thats like 11hrs a day for 7 days-mostly right around harvest when we are flushing, clipping...
  15. Kphlash

    Do lumens really matter? Do they add up? Lighting experts apply within

    Get lumens out of your head as the main factor, look for PAR. Lumens can also be equated with heat. More lumens = more heat lots of analogies have been used basically 1 candle reaches 40ft, 2 candles next to each other will just make those 40ft brighter-it will not make the light go 80ft so...
  16. Kphlash

    My new grow tent setup....Please help.

    It varies, but dont look for much, i started at $8.50/hr and now make more than 2x that because i manage the dispensary and the garden. The state sets the requirements for dispensaries, so check with them. Ours is under department of health and department of revenue. I would just make a day of...
  17. Kphlash

    Organics ARE chemicals

    DOC u continue to impress, and thank you for stating my point more eloquently. I wait for the eggheads in white coats to figure this out, i have more important things to do- i just send a lot of patients here to read on growing, and i pray none of them stumble on this thread
  18. Kphlash

    Organics ARE chemicals

    This goes mostly to my immune suppressed patients, as they are at most risk of any problems. I personally dont believe that chems hurt them either, but im not sure, nor am i willing to risk others safety because of an assumtion In short, if you cant prove it, dont go out stating absolutes...
  19. Kphlash

    Organics ARE chemicals

    lol lets clear this up, i am a firm believer in the medicinal properties of marijuana, i made a side note which got taken too far, i've also included contradictions to my statements for the purpose of being fair. I know a lot about the cancer curing properties, its something very close to me. I...
  20. Kphlash

    Organics ARE chemicals

    ya matt u basically did, but lets do it this way and give them a chance. HEISENBERG AND ALL PRO CHEM PPL HERE - 1 - find and post atleast 1 credible source to back up your theory or 2 - post that you couldnt find one because there hasnt been enough research to prove that chemical use just...