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  1. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    It’s like 15 inch away but like I don’t think I can raise it any higher should I just dim both to 50 perfect ?
  2. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    What should I do ?
  3. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    I hope so will the bud still be smoke able ?
  4. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    This is what one of my plants are looking like today this looks like bad shape to me pls someone tell me what I should do to fix her :( ? @PadawanWarrior
  5. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    I don’t want them to die if I flush tomorrow wouldn’t that hurt them by over watering ?? And should I used sledge hammer ?
  6. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    I got a soil probe and ph pen for water how did it drop so much? Will the plants die at ph 11.5 flush ??? Should I sledge hammer flush ?
  7. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    Did u see the picture of the leaf ? The one plant leaves are like that on some part of the plant the other plants just have like purplish on edges of leafs is that normal I think I need a fan to push air over canopy and how high should I hang both lights from top of plnt I appreciate the help
  8. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    My soil is ph at 5 after my feeding today it was at 6.5 I PhD my water at 6 so confusing. Is the sf 2000 a good light ?
  9. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    My soil is at 6.5 and I water at 6 ph does the trio harm the weed ? And some of the leaves on one plant look like this what should I do
  10. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    Okay cool I’m fine with waiting
  11. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    how many weeks till harvest do you thing they will be 8 weeks Saturday ?
  12. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    what should my nexts step be just fed ph balanced water at 6 with 5ml calmag to all plants should I continue the fox farm trio
  13. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    what should I do next I just fed them ph balanced water at 6 1 gallon each with 5 ml cal mag because I haven’t water since last nute feed 2 days ago. Should I continue fox farm trio 1/2 strength feeding schedule? When should I stop nutes completely??
  14. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    should I continue to feed 2 times a week. should I lower ph to 5.5 ? and I will do a sledge hammer flush Saturday.
  15. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    Week 7 and 2 days today how do they look ? @ColoradoHighGrower @Wattzzup this is all one plant I’m scared there
  16. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    I do get some run off with 1 gallon but they get light so quick they drink fast. And thank you appreciate this is my first grow wanna do autos for a little then try a pheno
  17. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    Appreciate it will do
  18. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    Appreciate it will do
  19. S

    Is this bud ?? First time grower

    All good bro appreciate the help. Thanks again how long u think until chop I planted em around feb 29