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  1. L

    20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP

    check soil ph it could be nutrient lock out also how humid is the room ?? if u think its a neutrience defficiency get a product made by advanced call Revive it will retore both mobil and non mobil neuts.
  2. L


    my balls smell like cheez
  3. L

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    eat my dick faggit I think u owe me a hand job or an apology Mr. English you have allot to say with no content you just try to bullshit your way through.. Its ok though I have a life im gunna get back to it next time u call some one on some bull shit have the testicular fortitude to admit when...
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    One more thing u see all that fuckin exahust work that would not be nessessary with LEDS and this is just another reason why leds not only work but would be better all arround for yield and security. I have 1500 just in exhaust work if u count the air cooled reflectors that would not be...
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    This is an intelligent man listen to Him !
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    the second row 2nd last is how i exhasut the heat i use the sewer drain because it allows u to lower your I.R. exposure but i guess your wouldent need to know that if you had a light brite right hahaha faggit!
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    Seeing as how you called me a liar and all I decided to go against my better judgement abd post some pics for ya. Sorry it took so long I was busy soin my thing. I was gunna pick up a light brite but i decided that I would stick to what works go do some home homework you clown and get at me when...
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    Becom what u want Im just informing u of the info that I read like it or not its a fact that led light is more efficent, less stress full on plants and perfectly suitable for cannabis growth in both veg and flowering itrs not my fault u fail to read in to things befor u start takin shots at...
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    p.s. Hightimes tested LED's VS. HIDs in a march 2008 issue the led lights produced a higher yield though it took 5 days longer to finish I dont know where u guys get your research from but you should deffinately do some befor u get on here and try to pass of your OPINION as actual FACTS. get...
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    L.E.D. grow lights?

    L.E.D.'s are the future of indoor cultivation with almost no heat to deal with you dont need allot of ventilation also the enegry draw is about 13% of a typical HPS or MH. They are light weights and the bulb hours are in excess of 5 years not 6 months like typical HID's. I have read allot on...
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    Ontario Medical Card...

    how do u go about getting a card and will this allow u to cultivate also ??
  12. L

    Coming out of the closet (2,600 watts!!!)

    Alright here is from my " reading " the best or one in my opinion the highest yielding Plan.. To Start i have some guestions: Qestion 1. where is this room located in the house and what is the demenisions of the space u have to work with??