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  1. B

    Newbie - Small Grow - 1st - Help Needed

    I have a 4'-10"H x 1'-3"D x 1'-11"W Cabinet. I know very little about ventilation and lighting, not even sure if it will work. But i really want to make two separate compartments one for flowering and one for clones and place mothers into an entirely separate cabinet later on. Any advice on this...
  2. B

    New Op, need advice please

    I was kinda dead set on the 90W LED's with CFL supplements because i read in a magazine that they are about as good as a 400W HID, but I don't know if I want to drop the money on it for it not to work. I don't even know how much area i'm going to need for a full flower and vegging cabinet. I was...
  3. B

    New Op, need advice please

    Well i can spend no more than $500 at this point, but later upgrades will be easy enough i hope. Fans and vents are no problem at all. As far as grow strategy i was thinking of a perpetual harvest strategy. I don't know if this would work its just an idea I've been thinking about and if this is...
  4. B

    New Op, need advice please

    i can't find anything related to harvest quantity though any advice there?
  5. B

    New Op, need advice please

    btw this is all for personal use for me and my friend and we don't have access to good genetics besides bag seed
  6. B

    New Op, need advice please

    I'm currently looking into a cabinet grow using one or two 90 W LED UFO and some CFLS, I want to keep it kind of stealthy, but it's not really an issue if I end up with an extra large out of place cabinet in my bedroom. Im kinda wanting one with separate chambers (veg, clone, flower), but if i...