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  1. Kmadewell

    Whats this ?? My friends clone he bought. I told him to lose the ring

    Thanks. It's the single lingered leaves that threw me off. Made me think reveg too. I know it's been outside since he brought it home
  2. Kmadewell

    Did I receive a "fake" Samsung board? Do they always damage this easy

    You never did tell us the seller after asking advice.. at least be courteous enough to Keep others from buying from this guy... Geesh
  3. Kmadewell

    Hangdry harvest in freezing cold garage?

    That's the exact opposite of what you want to do. You want your bud to dry in about a 60 to 65 degree room over at least a ten day period . Humidity should be roughly 60
  4. Kmadewell


    Should I use florakleen in between nutrients change. I do them weekly. Im in the second week of flower now. Looks like a k deficiency starting up. Im using flora trio. Im thinking salts are building up on roots causing lock out. Is this possible??
  5. Kmadewell

    Need help

    Good point and observation. Alot going on and to take in for sure
  6. Kmadewell

    Need help

    Its my first dwc grow. Was goin awesome during veg. Then when it bloomed turned south. Gave half the flora trio line schedule dose being its an auto. Thought it would suffice
  7. Kmadewell

    Need help

    My double grape auto from mephisto went from 700ppm to 200 ppm over night after nutrient change. Is this normal?? Its in its second week of flower and im using R/O water along with flora trio and calimajic. Its lookin like its had a slight cal/mag and phosphorus deficiency
  8. Kmadewell

    i'll NEVER buy foxfarm happyfrog again !

    Saying someones comment is stupid. Especially when its fact. Is the same thing. Its insulting the intelligence of the person commenting.And im sorry if your a foxfarm fanboy. But , ive personally opened fresh bags of ocean forest to find mites. Considering how canabis is supposed to represent...
  9. Kmadewell

    Dead tap root

    Well thats awesome. Thank you very much. I was afraid enough roots wouldn't stem from a short tap. Thats a relief to hear.thanks again
  10. Kmadewell

    i'll NEVER buy foxfarm happyfrog again !

    I notice you like to say that alot and call people stupid. Maybe everybody doesnt have the time to devote their life to this site. Ya see a post and you comment on it . And besides that. Ive seen some real good conversations pop off really old threads. Maybe you should complain to the...
  11. Kmadewell

    i'll NEVER buy foxfarm happyfrog again !

    Yea, if ya dont mind mites
  12. Kmadewell

    Dead tap root

    But doesnt the other roots stem from the tap root?
  13. Kmadewell

    Dead tap root

  14. Kmadewell

    Dead tap root

  15. Kmadewell

    Dead tap root

    So my mephisto double grape seedling was in a root riot plug with an inch of tap root coming thru the bottom. I had the plug out of the green house in open air for roughly 3 to 4 minutes. Long enough to mist the plug and to consider to planting in my dwc bucket. I decided not to and put it back...
  16. Kmadewell

    New to dwc

    Well that's a beautiful specimen. Strain?? And I've read great things about hydrogaurd. But no personal experience. Thanks for the info
  17. Kmadewell

    New to dwc

    Hi everyone, I'm on my first dwc grow. I've been reading that autos don't do too well in dwc. Is this true? I have about 20 mephisto genetics seeds that im dying to plant. But dont want to waste them . so im experimenting with a fast bud auto gelato first. Should i be using rapid start...