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  1. G

    I will answer your questions

    Hello, I am setting up a hydro system in a shed. No more than 2 plants growing. I have a 2 ft flourescent light. What kind of bulbs should I put in it? How close should I put the lights to the plants at first? Thanks!
  2. G

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    That's very short for 3 weeks. IF you pull the light further away, it will sprout to it, but not sure if it will fill in once its sprouted. Describe more of the environment its in. How much light per day? Temperature?
  3. G

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Do you know strands that produce more? (AF)? Thanks
  4. G

    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    Just be careful. Ikea's furniture is cheap. Not made from that good of material. Probably will start a fire.
  5. G

    fan advice

    Check out this shed Nice vertical shed - kind of like a bookshelf. Only $99. I am about to buy this one and use it for an aerogarden unit. I won't need...
  6. G

    Advice on Ikea grow cabinets?

    Hey Dude, I would suggest this shed It's only $99 and it seems like its bigger. Probably stronger as well. Less flamable as well.
  7. G

    my 6x8 shed first time indoor scrog official thread

    I put a baby plant into a pot about that size one time and It sprouted hella tall but not wide! I would always suggest a nice small bucket for the first couple of weeks until the plant is wide. You can always plant it into a bigger bucket, but once you go big, you can never go smaller once the...
  8. G

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey - So you seem like you know what your talking about. Question: How much bud do you end up with AF vs. Regular? I know its less, but I see your plants and they look small. How much do you expect do get from each plant? 4 ounces?
  9. G

    What kind of Water to use & Nutrients?

    I will be using AeroGarden to grow. What kind of water should I use? Distilled Water? Bottled Water? Brita Filtered Water? What kind of nutrients should I use? Anybody have a link of where to purchase them or perhaps they are available at home depot or lowes?
  10. G

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    What about placing the pot in a shed indoors? Sounds crazy I know but this way the shed could be wrapped in foil for ultimate light exposure. The shed is 6 ft tall, 2 ft wide by 3 ft long. The only problem I see is the temperature control. This might not keep ALL of the smell out but if...
  11. G

    Indoor growing - aerogarden - Should I use a Shed?

    I am going to be using the aerogarden deluxe and i was wondering if I should use a shed? I figure I could wrap the shed with foil and place a little fan on the inside with a timer. BUT - How could I control the temperature on the inside? I am assuming that no matter what the temp is in the...