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  1. 7

    Autoflower Auto-Pounder Grow

    I grew some under t-5 8 bulb ho.fair yield at 2 1/4 zips each.The high is very good guys starts off in the head and just gets better the more you smoke.After a few minutes total pain relief .It's worth the grow
  2. 7

    Autoflower Recommendation?

    i just got done with auto pounder.I did get screwed on the seeds tho.I paid for 10 fem seeds and i got 8 to pop and out of 8 I had 2 female's. very good yields 3.75 average and a really great stone.
  3. 7

    autos and lighting

    good advice right there bro!!
  4. 7

    Autoflower Recommendation?

    Here's a grow of some afgan kush ryders I did.Trust me it will blow the northern lights out of the water.I live in wa state also >
  5. 7

    4x4x5 box with 5 auto cream manderine and 5 mix an 35

    there looking good .what lighting are you using?
  6. 7

    Think Different attempted Seed Run by Newbie. Help and Advice appreciated.

    Bro there's a killer thread at auto on collodial silver.i've done one run with lowryder 2.You are correct you need to start spraying about a week before they show sex.
  7. 7

    yield of autos??

    You can always do a colloidal silver run and make feminized seeds from any auto.I've done one strain so far It was lowryder2 I plan on using the lowryder to cross with some good cheese photo's to get some different auto's.
  8. 7

    My best Yeilding auto plant is

    hows that think different high?
  9. 7

    Auto Male question pics

    very soon lol.You gonna save it to pollinate? Maybe 5-10 days.
  10. 7

    Too crowded... Or not?

    id do 2 plants and I would forgo the northern lights.There are a lot better strains out there.Try afgan kush ryder or sweet cheese autos.
  11. 7

    Afghan kush ryders at 70 days today, opinions on when to harvest would be appreciated

    id say about 14 days more or so Mine usually go about 75 days from when the seed germinates but ive had them go as long as 90 days
  12. 7

    yield of autos??

    I expect solid yields.2 ounces is a good yield.I've seen many growers of photo period's get less than 2 zips a grow.I average closer 2 three, some strains you just cant get more than 2.5 zips and some i average 4 oz a plant.Auto's do it quick with great highs
  13. 7

    When should i start flushing my afghan kush ryders??

    i usually take my fgan kush to 75 days minimum.
  14. 7

    What do you think this little beast will yield dry? (Auto Mazar LST 10+ Tops)

    youll get an ounce out of her .I like that lst like a bonsi !!! Just feed here some bone meal weekly .and some unsulfered molassas
  15. 7

    Auto pounder organic grow help

    I'm not thinking nute burn>I think it's a nitrogen problem.I would flush it.then feed it a slightly heavier dose of nitrogen. Keep your other plants on the same feeding schedule as they are now.Make sure to ph after mixing you're nutes.
  16. 7

    auto potency

    I run t-5 and a 600. If the 600 dont impress me on a photo grow of buddah cheese I'm getting rid of it and going 100 percent t-5"s.
  17. 7

    Need 2 month Havest

    Sweet cheese from sweet seed is 60 days from seed>If you put 24/0 light on them and feed them right you should get 2 zips per plant.The sweet cheese is a very good head high as well as abgood body stone.I have one girl who has terrible migraines say it's the best thing she's ever had for...
  18. 7

    Autos worth it?

    I grow both.I tell ya if you need a quick harvest of good weed grow some sweet cheese.Auto's have come a long ways in the last few years there's some killer auto's out there.
  19. 7

    Help with my first grow (pics)

    They should be starting to flower at 21-30 days. I feed them lightly on veg nutes but up start on bloom nutes alternating the 1 st two weeks of flower. Then go to straight flower nutes.
  20. 7

    Flowering under T5 question

    Hey bro what were your temps like on these grow? The reason I ask is they look to be showing signs of heat stress.