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  1. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeh. With my 400 watt hps in there it can easily hit about 28/29 if i don't keep my eye on the house temperature. Bit young still for hps maybe? They are in three inch rockwool cubes first then when I had a roots poking out they went into the wilma. Two 15 minute feeds a day and the e.c is 1.0...
  2. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    What do you think ic3?
  3. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Buy seeds.
  4. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    weird. I can see em.
  5. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    They're are delahaze by the way. They are 13 days old today from seed.
  6. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Here we go dude. They look a little down about something. You can see the leaf damage I'm on about on one picture. Looks like it's just dried out though from the fan and heat maybe. Cheers
  7. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'l grab a few shortly mate.
  8. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hmmmmm. Just taken a look on google and it doesn't look like it mate. Once I think about it's probably something I've done to them. They are only two weeks old so I have bung them back under my 125 watt enviro light and trained my fan away from them so they can recover and build a better root...
  9. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hows it goin guys. Has anybody had any bug problems at this time of the year? I would of thought it was too early in the year for stuff like that here in the uk, although I noticed the other day the midges are out and about now in the garden. My plants were looking stressed and with a closer...
  10. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    anyone else?:-?
  11. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    i just dont think they really need much right now fullstop tbh.
  12. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    you cant take em out now. all is that happens next is the whole block then goes into a pot of clay pebbles with a dripper.
  13. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    its too unstable in terms of ph.
  14. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    yeh. i dont think im going to use it next time. had trouble with it on my last grow.
  15. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    defo not feeding them until next week. its a haze so i dont think they need anything at this point from what ive read.
  16. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    ta mate. hopefully they will grow out of it. over all would you say they look ok apart from the funky purple hues
  17. dimebag87

    does this sound like a good nute package?????? need input

    Each growers outcome is different from another. You need to learn whats best for your plants and how to grow them. Something that has worked for this grower you're on about might work for him but not you.
  18. dimebag87

    Purple seedlings with pictures;

    Hi! I posted about this problem a few days days ago but I have pictures now so hopefully it might help a bit more. These are 7 days old today. Apart from the purple they are still putting out roots and putting on new leaf growth. My temps drop no lower than 22/23 at lights off and 26 at lights...
  19. dimebag87

    Anybody know what the problem is with these...?

    Especially if the problem is occurring more at the top of the plant.
  20. dimebag87

    Anybody know what the problem is with these...?

    Looks like light burn. Move your lamp away and see if that works