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  1. K

    When to add nutrients after transplanting

    I am using FFOF. They say not to add nutrients for the first three to four weeks of growing because of all the nutrients in the soil. I plan on transplanting from a 1 liter pot to a 2 gallon pot. My plants have been in the 1 liter pot for a little over two weeks. After I transplant should I...
  2. K

    One Extension Cord into Two Outlets

    endlscycle: exactly.
  3. K

    One Extension Cord into Two Outlets

    no, i think i need two 120 volt relays.
  4. K

    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    kronic1989: Thanks for the tips. FFOF soil. Ballast can do HPS and I have a circulation fan blowing around the room.
  5. K

    One Extension Cord into Two Outlets

    I want to plug my exhaust fan into a cycle timer and also plug it into my sentinel thermostat. The reason I want both is that the thermostat is set to turn on my exhaust at 79, but it almost never reaches that temperature (though it does occasionally). And if I lower the trigger temperature, the...
  6. K

    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    irishwyrick: thanks for the tip. right now I am using a 600 watt MH w/ an adjustable ballast. It is set at 360 right now, but tomorrow I am going to up it to 400. And yes, I have a carbon filter -- can't wait till I have to use it.
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    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    post continued from above plant 4 plant 5 plant 6 side view
  8. K

    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    Noticed drooping on plants, I think from lack of water. Seem to be better after some water. plant1 plant 2 plant 3 plant 3 side view -- biggest drooper
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    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    I noticed light bleaching on plants 2, 3, 4 -- from misting them. Will cease doing that from here on out. The light was lowered down to 12 inches, nevertheless. plant2 plant3 plant4
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    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    dropped the light to about 15 inches... water PH was increased to 6.5.
  11. K

    Does my seedling look yellow?

    will bump up the PH, jawbrodt. I want to water every other day, but just water more thoroughly when I do. Rather than everyday, but less thoroughly.
  12. K

    Does my seedling look yellow?

    darkdestruction420: What's the recommendation on PH?
  13. K

    Does my seedling look yellow?

    jawbrodt: FF OF soil, is correct. I have not given it any nutes. Ph of water is usually between 5.9 and 6.20. Strain is Hindu Kush.
  14. K

    Does my seedling look yellow?

    Does my seedling look yellow? or is that normal?
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    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    update 11th day: Do my plants seem yellow? plant1 plant2 plant 3 plant 4 plant 5 plant 6
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    Low Humidity

    Will misting my seedlings twice a day make up for low room humidity (30-35%)?
  17. K

    Seedling Light Wattage and Distance

    I can probably get my light 2 inches from my seedlings. But let me put my question another way: Is there every too much light for seedlings?
  18. K

    Seedling Light Wattage and Distance

    Sorry, it is a 600 MH watt bulb and the ballast is set at 360... I've moved the light approximately 3ft from the plants this morning -- not sure if this is too close...
  19. K

    Seedling Light Wattage and Distance

    I have seedlings about 9 days old and about 2 inches tall. How close to the light should the seedlings be? I have adjustable ballast capable of 360, 400, and 600 watts. Currently it is 4 ft above my plants and on 360. The seedlings seem to be stretching a little.
  20. K

    Hindu Kush -- First Grow

    Hindu Kush Started: 28-July-2010 Soil Grow BMO Ferts Feel free to comment. I want all the help I can get. Bottom left seedling was beginning to stretch. I added soil to help her stay balanced (not shown).