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  1. dimebag87

    bright green tip

    oh yeh dont wash your plants with nutes either. you will burn the shit out of em
  2. dimebag87

    bright green tip

    nothing to worry about here with those man. leaf deformitys dont always mean there's something wrong neither. that could well be just genetics. as far as feeding goes if you're using a good quality soil it will support your plants for about four to five weeks. whilst the plants still have vigour...
  3. dimebag87

    Ec never drops

    thanks a bunch man!!as of the last couple of days things have picked up. root production has exploded from what i can tell with alot starting to crawl out of the drain holes in the pots. currently feeding them at 200 ppm. things seemed to improve drastically after i took them off the seedling...
  4. dimebag87

    Ec never drops

    Well i got these three. I don't think the camera gives you a full appreciation of whats going but there's a yellowing(not severe) in the middle of the leaves whilst the outer remains green'ish. The pics were taken a week ago.
  5. dimebag87

    Ec never drops

    Thanks for the help ppl :) I'll get a pic sorted tomorrow.
  6. dimebag87

    Ec never drops

    In a wilma man :)
  7. dimebag87

    Ec never drops

    Hey deetee. Ive had an issue with my plants act. You commented on one of my threads about it last week. They were getting a patchy yellow look about them and growing slow. Two have started to pick up quite nicely but the other ones have still got a paleness about them as well as being quite slow...
  8. dimebag87

    Ec never drops

    Hi guys. Another noob question. I am growing for plants. They are just under three weeks old. What I'm wondering is why my ec reading never seems to drop. I assumed that as the plants use nutes that the reading would lower. Am i wrong? Thanks for any input:blsmoke::mrgreen:
  9. dimebag87

    can i do anything with this small amount

    unless those leaves are resinous dont bother
  10. dimebag87

    hopefully you will stop and help (: !

    haha i wish my plants looked that good!they look fine dude
  11. dimebag87

    What is WRONG with my leafs? (thanks!)

    how old are your plants man?mine are two and a half weeks old and and a little smaller than yours. mine are growing pretty slow too.
  12. dimebag87

    What is WRONG with my leafs? (thanks!)

    looks quite similar to a problem i have. i think it was down to my pebbles being dirty when i planted.
  13. dimebag87

    A dumb light question

    I can get my as close as ten dude. I suppose it depends on what temps you've got to deal with in your tent but the closer the better :)
  14. dimebag87

    A dumb light question

    Obviously as the plants grows you need to move the light upwards maybe everyday once they get going.
  15. dimebag87

    A dumb light question

    The best way to tell if your light is to close to is hold your hand over your plants for a minute. If its too hot you need to move it up. Hope that helps :)
  16. dimebag87

    possible need for cal mag in wilma

    Shit dude. That's not good. Hopefully i can get that crap moved out with some flushing.
  17. dimebag87

    possible need for cal mag in wilma

    Ok thanks motor!
  18. dimebag87

    possible need for cal mag in wilma

    Ok thanks. I've been giving them canna start at this point by hand feeding. The growth on them seems to have slowed a lot this last week :( Hopefully they pick back up. Also i don't think i was through with washing the pebbles. When i flush them dirt runs out of the pots. I think iv got rid of...
  19. dimebag87

    possible need for cal mag in wilma

  20. dimebag87

    possible need for cal mag in wilma

    are my plants cal mag defficient?many thanks