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  1. dimebag87

    Help me agggggh

    Should probably want it a little lower than that i would of thought. 5.7, 5.8 ish
  2. dimebag87

    Help me agggggh

    I've also read that some pebbles have to be ph'd to man.
  3. dimebag87

    Help me agggggh

    There is your problem. You have to soak rockwool in ph'd water of 5.5 before you use it. Your problems are a copycat of my first grow.
  4. dimebag87

    Help me agggggh

    I didn't prepare any of my mediums properly in terms ph and washing on my first grow and it played buggery with my ph causing lockout etc
  5. dimebag87

    Help me agggggh

    It could be a number of things. Did you soak your rockwool? Did you wash your pebbles?
  6. dimebag87

    New growth?

    Looks rhubarb and custard flavor mmmmmmmmmmm :) Its a calyx. My plants have a coupe of random ones on each node. It's no biggy.
  7. dimebag87

    Flush dilemma

    Come on folks! I know there's probably a commonsense solution here but i cant think of one right now :(
  8. dimebag87

    Flush dilemma

    Hi guys. I have a bit of a problem. I have a 4 pot wilma and I'm 7 weeks into flowering but due to a number of complications earlier on with the plants the healthiest of the bunch has mature'd faster and looks to be about two weeks earlier in finishing. The problem lies with the fact that...
  9. dimebag87

    Time to Harvest? aerogarden grow (pics included)

    Looks a bit skinny to mate. Perhaps try and get some more light over it if possible.
  10. dimebag87

    Time to Harvest? aerogarden grow (pics included)

    Another two or three weeks I would say. At least 70 or 80 percent of those hairs need to be brown and receded.
  11. dimebag87

    Pruning question

    ok thanks for the advice. You're the expert here but if you're not topping the main tip or at least supercropping it then won't it still end up overtaking the lower branching thus defeating the point?
  12. dimebag87

    Help with my hydroponics

    no problem man. If you set your first feed for an hour before lights come on e.g if your lights come on at four then you should set your first 15 minute feed for three o'clock. They take in a lot of nutrients at this time apparently. Then just set your other feeds at equal spacings during your...
  13. dimebag87

    Help with my hydroponics

    Also I'm not entirely sure but your outake fan size might be a bit small for your 600w light if it's only a 4 inch. I think you would probably want to look at getting a six incher. Might get away with it since it's winter but as soon as we get a warm day again you temps will go through the roof.
  14. dimebag87

    Help with my hydroponics

    Yes mate leave your outake on constantly and your intake if you have one. If you haven't got an intake fan then you will need to place that desk fan in front of an open vent close to the floor of your tent to get your fresh air in and run that 24/7 to. I know someone that leaves his wilma pump...
  15. dimebag87

    Pruning question

    People have got a very split view on this topic. It's fair to say that you shouldn't go mad with it but pinching a leaf or two here and there seems to be quite beneficial from what I can tell. I cant see it being beneficial to sativa's since they are not that dense with foliage in the first...
  16. dimebag87

    Help with my hydroponics

    Further to that lol don't rush to get your plants in the system. Let them grow out into 3 inch rockwool cubes first. If you bang them in too early they wont cope to well with it.
  17. dimebag87

    Help with my hydroponics

    I increased my feedings as the plants get bigger. Have you got a timer for it dude? What I did Is to give them the first 15 minute feed an hour or so before lights on and them one about two thirds through the light cycle. Then as they get bigger you should throw another couple of 15 minute feeds...
  18. dimebag87

    Time to reject the Malthusian notion that our lives must be justified by drudgery.

    Very true. Time to get a civil war on the go then I suppose :D
  19. dimebag87

    Time to reject the Malthusian notion that our lives must be justified by drudgery.

    Yes that's pretty sick. Doesn't surprise me one bit. But what do you suppose we really do about it man. The decisions about whats to be done aren't ours to be made unfortunately.
  20. dimebag87

    Time to reject the Malthusian notion that our lives must be justified by drudgery.

    Like somebody said before. Look at how much bill gates has thrown at it. Ridiculous amounts but still to no end.