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  1. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    Hi RIU! Thought i would post a few pics of how my plants are doing. They are beginning the fourth week of flowering and aren't looking to bad for a first attempt I reckon. About four or five weeks to go and I cant wait to chop em! Not great pics because of the HPS but...... Getting rather tricky...
  2. dimebag87

    How do i get bigger node growth??

    she will begin to stretch a little but ultimately you plant is not going to get to an optimal size without proper lighting.
  3. dimebag87

    How do i get bigger node growth??

    to be honest dude its a pretty stretchy plant anyway. its healthy but next time you need to invest in some proper lighting and adequate ventilation to draw heat out of your space.
  4. dimebag87

    micronutrient feeds?

    Hi. Just a quick question. I was wondering if anybody knew of a good micronutrient feed for hydro?
  5. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    thats about 160 ounces man. I wish i was going to get that much lol I would say an oz per plant would be realistic.
  6. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    well I have got a good quality 400w dual spectrum lamp over them about 10 inches away from the cannopy. 100w per plant should be more than suffice shouldnt it?
  7. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    yeh sure. its shrinks alot dont it
  8. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    yeh man ive been doing some tucking. one of them has about four tops poking through the cannopy. they're only small but its better than them being shaded.
  9. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    Ok. I'll give it a shot man!
  10. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    Thanks man. I'm not sure if to try it or not. Although they look nice and healthy they aren't the most vigorous plants going. Would it cause them further stress to start doing that or wont it be a problem? I have had them on grow nutrients for N for the first two weeks of flower btw:)
  11. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    I'll do that next time dude.
  12. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    Hey guys. Thanks for all the responses! The strain is ladyburn 1974 from gh seeds. Weird name ay haha. I think the stretch you're seeing is some of the lower branching. I took some fan leaves of as an experiment on two of the plants and it made the lower stuff catch up and come to just below the...
  13. dimebag87

    Silly question but how much yield roughly?

    Hi! I know they haven't got buds on yet but how much do you think I could pull off these. I know there is lots of variables and I've still got to make it through flowering without any hitch but a ballpark figure from someone with experience would be cool. They are just coming up to two weeks of...
  14. dimebag87

    what is wrong with these. Still cant work it out.

    No man haha Thought it was down to me trying to do it off a phone but it's the same on the laptop. Wont let me insert smileys neither. Any clues anyone?
  15. dimebag87

    what is wrong with these. Still cant work it out.

    Attach picture option is broke. Bare with me
  16. dimebag87

    what is wrong with these. Still cant work it out.

    Hello again. Well as the title suggests haha tried Epsom salts, that worked a little but....Many thanks
  17. dimebag87

    Sucker Leaves On or Off !

    your plants look awesome man. I would just let them do their thing now.
  18. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    well its five days later. only do this if your plants like to grow an inch a day. ive probably just lost an oz in yield. lesson learnt lol
  19. dimebag87

    Sucker Leaves On or Off !

    Your plants look quite far along mate. I don't know how much difference it would make now imo. I've just tried to do some defoliation with two of my plants. I am shitting my pants about how they are going to turn out.