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  1. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    Its a fair point dude and of course bud's would grow if you left the foliage alone. It would also be fair to say that lower branching bud that is shaded and lower down the plant all ways produces the thinner fluffier buds. Even with an apple tree, fruit production seems to occur towards the end...
  2. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    thanks man :)
  3. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    Thanks for the input guys. Well if I screw them up at least it wont kill em outright. They will still give me something. I didn't remove all the fans as you can see. Just enough to gain some light exposure to the lower branching. You can see the potential when there is loads of tiny bud sites...
  4. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    Any more thoughts or input from anyone?
  5. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    yeh man its the basic idea. only I took the fans off to expose the shoots properly to the light. Really hope it recovers properly lol
  6. dimebag87

    defoliation attempt

    Hey ppl. Hopefully we can get a little debate going. Im mad. Its my first grow and I'm attempting advanced techniques. I have 4 plants that are starting to get a lot of branching that wasn't receiving quality light. It was killing me to see all these potential tops going to waste. So I...
  7. dimebag87

    Sudden problems? Water ph testing! Nutrient lockout? Advice needed :3

    Yeh. Enough of this school boy crap.
  8. dimebag87

    Sudden problems? Water ph testing! Nutrient lockout? Advice needed :3

    Just a light heart'd joke man. No need to spend your time scrolling through google images to find a picture of what looks to be that bald dude off star trek (gay) to express how you feel lol
  9. dimebag87

    Sudden problems? Water ph testing! Nutrient lockout? Advice needed :3

    I think the top and tail of it is, is that she has used stuff that isn't really the best for growing bud. If i were her i would get down the hydro store and pick up a better soil, better nutes and maybe something to help with the stress. I cant see a transplant killing them. If they die, fuck it...
  10. dimebag87

    Sudden problems? Water ph testing! Nutrient lockout? Advice needed :3

    Wow man. One hint of a chick getting plant troubles and the advice is flooding in. I need to change my tac lol
  11. dimebag87

    Sudden problems? Water ph testing! Nutrient lockout? Advice needed :3

    He didn't fuck up her plants man lol I could be way off but wouldn't a transplant into a different, good quality ganj growing soil be better.
  12. dimebag87

    Florida Man Kills Himself over Obamas Reelection

    HAHA wtf man.
  13. dimebag87

    Florida Man Kills Himself over Obamas Reelection

    Someone in Florida. Close enough.
  14. dimebag87

    Florida Man Kills Himself over Obamas Reelection

    Got to have been someone in the south. No offense lol
  15. dimebag87

    dieing sproutling

    Further to that i wouldn't say it's essential for soil grower's. It's more for the hydro guys who need to know exactly whats in there mix because there is less room for error with a hydro nute solution due to a greater uptake by the plants. Just start at a quarter strength on your first feed...
  16. dimebag87

    dieing sproutling

    ppm stands for parts per million. You will need a nutrient truncheon to measure this (look on ebay for one). Its basically the amount of dissolved salts (nutrients) in your water. Don't quote me on that, im not a scientist lol. As you add more nutes to your water the ppm value will rise...
  17. dimebag87

    dieing sproutling

    Guys, guys! Dont bother using vinegar or whatever to lower your ph. You CAN use these things but only if you need to. Go to the hydro shop and buy some liquid ph up and down. Use a tiny bit. It takes 3ml of that stuff to drop my 20 gal res down too 5.6 or so with nutes added.
  18. dimebag87

    dieing sproutling

    Dont reckon so man
  19. dimebag87

    dieing sproutling

    Well you need to ph correct your water/nutrient solution between 6.5 and 7. You don't really want to drop below 6.5 or above 7. That will be your problem. Again you should try and pick up a soil that's got a ph of 6.5 (go to a hydro shop for your soil) . Just continue with your correctly ph'd...