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  1. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah man i am . am usin ionic coco grow there only a week and a half old but i can c the yellowing on one of the plants small leaves
  2. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ok u have lost me could u explain a bit more sorry 2 be a hassel mate
  3. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi there again people got another problem am fairly sure i ken whats wrong would nae mind a 2nd opinion the tips of the leafs on my plants have a small yellowing to them am sure its a nitrogen deficiency any ones help would be very much appreciated
  4. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thanks mate it works fine i tried it a socket in my room just means i have to now run a cord to my attic cause the plug up there obv aint very good lol . thanks once again man p.s is it safe just to turn my light off at the wall with out a timer lol
  5. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    its brand new the light the ballest its all new
  6. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    luamnii 600 watt sun blast and lumanii ballest
  7. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi there am new to this web site and new to growing weed can any one help me with a small problem my light goes on then 5 seconds later it cuts out ????? sum one plz help
  8. Rachel Tension

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hi there am new to this web site and new to growing weed can any one help me with a small problem my light goes on then 5 seconds later it cuts out ????? sum one plz help
  9. Rachel Tension

    Welcome form Scotland

    am sure a socts man will fit ryt in with our witty sense of banter
  10. Rachel Tension

    Welcome form Scotland

    i got ma self a nice grow tent pacagke with a lumii 600 watt sunblaster and ballast when i screw the light bulb in to the reflector i just get a buzzin noise from the back of the light then it stops after 5 seconds ? i phoned the guy from the shop he said i might not have screwed it in...
  11. Rachel Tension

    Welcome form Scotland

    hi there people i am a first time grower my seed ar just starting 2 sprout roots 5 whit widows . I am haven sum unexpected problems that i would like to ask maybe the more experienced grower could help me with or any one Thank You