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  1. F


    Ok thanks thats what I did I also sprayed a little water on the spot were I planted the seed.
  2. F


    How much and how often should I water a seedling in a 3 gallon pot?
  3. F

    ruderalis potting

    Would It be okay to plant a ruderalis in only one medium to avoid transfer? How many gallon pot should I use?
  4. F


    How deep after pre germination do I plant the seed straight into its Permanent medium?
  5. F

    seed delivery

    Thanks guys just went and picked it up eveythings good8-):weed:
  6. F

    seed delivery

    Ok thanks for the responses everyone. I think im gonna try and go for it.
  7. F

    seed delivery

    Oh god so many conflicting stories!!!!
  8. F

    seed delivery

    Your right ill just take it as a loss thank you.
  9. F

    seed delivery

    I just recived a letter in the mail grom the PO saying I missed my delivery from single seed centre and to come pick it up its been 2 months scence I ordered I heard not to sighn for it cause if leagle reasons but otheres say its ok does any one know from experience that im supposed to sign for...
  10. F

    watering soil

    Okay. Thank you
  11. F

    watering soil

  12. F

    light positioning

    There white lights
  13. F

    watering soil

    I've been keeping lights on 24 hours. Would it be better to 18/6? Or 12/12? I've read it doesn't matter
  14. F

    light positioning

    I have 2 seedlings using 3 cfl's 5000 lumans total 2 lamps and a hanging grow light anyone have any advice to postion them?
  15. F

    watering soil

    Plastic 16 oz flower pot and I got one in a 8 oz glass poy
  16. F

    watering soil

    For the seedling stage is it ok to let the soil dry completely out for a little while? How long? My pot feels light but the soil feels a little moist would it be better to water it again if the pots are as light as before it's been watered or completely dry? Drowned my 1st one dont wanna make...
  17. F

    seedling care

    Ok most the pic I've seen are straight the leave look healthy and grow pretty well. Thanks
  18. F

    seedling care

    How young Can a seedling be to be able to tie it straight up? Both mine came in growing crooked from the get go.
  19. F


    Huh? I never posted a pic.
  20. F


    And if anyone can tell me how to upload a pic I have one.